Kentucky "FRIED" Chicken Saturday, November 6th, 1999 Remember back in the good ol' days when "KFC" was "Kentucky Fried Chicken"? Well you know what? It still is in the States. Then why, oh why the change? I dunno b'ye, lotsa reasons I suppose. Maybe 'cause us red-blooded puck-slappin' Canadians are tired of seeing Yankee businesses popping up from sea to shining sea. See, all that there "Kentucky" word did was advertise the chicken's American status. American poultry is some bad chicken. Mess you up. See, so by getting rid of the word Kentucky, it don't sound American anymore. Funny how a single noun could have so much power. Finally, they use that little maple leaf at the end as kind of a marketing weapon. Makes ya wonder, doesn't it? I think our pal the Colonol is taking notes from Preston Manning. See, when I use Preston's method of thinking, I can't say companies shouldn't stick maple leafs all over their logos. If I do...? I'm "Un-Canadian". So from now on, if you're north of the border, you'll never ONCE hear the words "Kentucky Fried Chicken" so much as whispered in the brease. Woopty-freakin'doo. They can call themselves the one-eyed oogly boogly monster for all I care, I still know they're American. They shoulda kept the name Kentucky Fried Chicken and left it at that, cause this whole situation sounds pretty fried if you ask me.