Where to begin.. I guess I can break the ice by identifying the things I appreciate about life and this little world that we spend it in. Warning:This may take a while, I tend to get carried away. Treat this site as a book you have to settle down to read.
Music: there are no words to describe what it evokes in me. I have an immense affinity with music. Winter: I could perch by my window for the entire day, and do nothing but smell that cool, clean air. Rain: so nurturing and destructive, the sound of it dancing on my umbrella, teasing me to sleep, and the way it never has enough time to send ripples through large puddles before another drop falls in it's place. Leatherwood honey: the rarest and yummiest honey I've ever tastest, only made in Tasmania. Note: If you live in Australia, next time you're in IGA, Woolworths, Coles or wherever you shop, LOOK FOR IT. Art: most useful to create when you're speechless. I take my 9 year old brother to the local art gallery religiously at least every month.. he loves it. Books: if I could, I'd have built-in bookshelves instead of walls for my entire home. I'm currently reading my History and the Philosophy of Science reader. Pages and pages of essays- some great, some boring. I'm still fuming over David Stove's essay on 'The Intellectual Capacity of Women'. Embraces: to hold someone, for as long as you want, is a miraculously effective medicine.
Bored yet? I'm on a roll here..
Frangipani: a heart-melting scent. A smell that literally speeds up your heart rate and then softly settles in your stomach.. if only it tasted as good. Sun: the way it burns and seduces me to sleep underneath it- I get burnt to a crisp every summer.. and sometimes I almost convince myself that skin cancer would be worth how beautiful it is to smell the sun on my skin. Swimming or just floating: being totally surrounded by water, it's remarkably peaceful. Smell: my second favourite 'sense' that we humans are blessed with- the first is definitely hearing- to smell someone and drink in their scent, is the most sensual act that I can think of. Playgrounds: I'll be honest with you. Sometimes I'm not sure whether kids are my kind of people, you know? What I like about them is also what makes me nervous about them.. they're little and they're honest. But I love hearing them scream, play and laugh in a playground. Sunsets: the hour before the sun sleeps and the time leading up until it's gone for the night.. driving with that deep orange sun filling my eyes, WOW. Love: I'm sure I've finally felt it. I liked it, but it was with the wrong person. Here's to looking for that 'soul mate' that people tell me is still out there.
Well.. hello. I'm 23 years old, my name is Dee and I live in Sydney Australia. I suppose that dose of information should've been placed in the first paragraph somewhere, but like I said, I get carried away. So many things are just so beautiful.
I should also tell you about current things in my life, I suppose. After much meditation, I finally enrolled into Uni.. and they actually accepted me. I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts, and although I have yet to decide on my major, my little heart is telling me that it's English. Also, my best friend got married in December, and although it's been very hard to spend time with her (with work and Uni commitments for us both) I'm still glowing over how happy she is. Emely and Brett.. you've almost made me start believing that marriage is a good thing.
Yes. Everything is currently peachy.
when you sit right down in the middle of yourself, you're gonna wanna have a comfortable chair. so renovate your soul before you get too old, cos you're gonna be housebound there. when you're old you fold up like an envelope, and you mail yourself right inside. and there's nowhere to go, except out real slow. are you ready now for that ride?