About Ian McDiarmid
Ian McDiarmid was the original Emperor in ROJ.
Star Wars Insider confirms that he will reprise his role.
In the prequels, the Emperor will still be a senator,
namely Senator Palpatine. Here is a quote from
"Skywalking" (The Biography of George Lucas,
written by Dale Pollock):
"The Emperor is an elected official who
is corrupted by power and subverts the
democratic process--Lucas modeled
him after Richard Nixon." p. 145.
"Late in 1989 Ian McDiarmid and Jonathan
Kent became joint Artistic Directors of the Almeida
Theatre. Both actors, they have a joint experience of
over forty years in the theatre and a strong
commitment to producing challenging, exciting and
uncompromising theatre of the highest standard."
He currently works at the Almeida theatre (London).
Email: rudischlaepfer@bothanspy.com