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Welcome to the Palpatine Section!

About Ian McDiarmid

Ian McDiarmid was the original Emperor in ROJ.
Star Wars Insider confirms that he will reprise his role.
In the prequels, the Emperor will still be a senator,
namely Senator Palpatine. Here is a quote from
"Skywalking" (The Biography of George Lucas,
written by Dale Pollock):

"The Emperor is an elected official who
is corrupted by power and subverts the
democratic process--Lucas modeled
him after Richard Nixon." p. 145.

"Late in 1989 Ian McDiarmid and Jonathan
Kent became joint Artistic Directors of the Almeida
Theatre. Both actors, they have a joint experience of
over forty years in the theatre and a strong
commitment to producing challenging, exciting and
uncompromising theatre of the highest standard."
He currently works at the Almeida theatre (London).
