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Ed Lowe's Regents Earth Science


Welcome, the purpose of this site is to allow parents and students access to general information about the Earth Science program at Minerva DeLand. There is also specific information about what I am doing in my classes and how my students are doing. Listed below are the various sites that can be reached from this page. Also at the bottom of this page is my e-mail address. Please feel free to contact me with suggestions.

Ed Lowe

Currently there are sites with the following information:

Weekly Schedule: This site includes my lesson plans for the week, a listing of homework due dates and the times I am available for extra help.

Objective Information: This site contains the core information students need for each topic.

Earth Science Reference Tables: The reference tables is a document developed by the State containing key information used in most topics. Students are given a copy of the reference tables for all tests and quizzes.

Regents Exam Information: This site includes information about the requiremnts to qualify to take the exam. There is also information about the different parts of the test.

Required Project: Here you can learn about the required project which is worth ten point on the Regents exam.

Review information This site has a schedule which list the dates I am available specifically for review, when to do work on different sections in the review book, and when review quizzes will be held.

Student's Current Average: Weekly I update student's current ten week average. To read the grades you will need to know your child's secret number. These numbers were randomly assigned.

My Favorite Links

Weekly Schedule
Objective Information
Earth Science Reference Tables
Regents Exam Information
Required Project
Review For The Regents Exam
Period 3 Grades
Period 4 Grades
Period 7 Grades
Period 9 Grades
Minerva DeLand's Physical Education Department
Minerva DeLand Library
Fairport Central School District
