The music that is playing is by Jewel.

Welcome to the Shadow Keeper's DREAMS page. Please sit back and enjoy. If you have any dreams that you would like to send in and wouldn't mind them being posted please feel free to e-mail me at forbiddenworlds@hotmail.com
Thankx....i've just posted more dreams in my friend's section...i will be posting more soon. And i also just got the meanings page up bit it aint looking that good...give me some time. *s* Also you might want to press re-load on some of the pages to see the changes..especially the dreams i'm just adding
And one more note....i interpretate dreams so if you would like the meaning of your dream let me know in your e-mail. Thankx

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My Dreams
Friend's Dreams
Meanings of YOUR Dreams

Email: forbiddenwor1ds@hotmail.com