Rochelle's Dream

Well this dream is from very special friend of mine *s* *hugz* Rochelle thankx stacks for letting me post this. Ya the best!! *hugz and kisses*

Well i get off the train with my best friend suzanne. It's like this really old fashioned train station. I feel that i am miles away from home and am worried how i will get home. We walk to my house (but it isn't really my house if that makes sense). We discover a tribe of amazon warriors are living there, we approach them. A man has a sword and taps the amazon queen on the shoulder with it. She spins around and says "You dare to challenge me?" Then she throws a spear at him, chunks of flesh and blood come spewing out of him. They throw another spear and same deal. The amazons befriend me and the queen begins making me a voodoo doll. She tells me to come back in a week to get it.

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