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Shae Lynn Bourne & Victor Kraatz

Shae & Victor Bio's:

Shae-Lynn Bourne

Birth Date: 24/01/1976 Birthdate: 24 January, 1976
Hometown/Birthplace:Chatham, ON, Canada
Current Residence: Lake Placid, NY, USA
Siblings: Sister,Calea; brother, Christopher;
Other Info: Is dating British skater Steven Cousins

Victor Kraatz

Birthdate: 7 April, 1971
Birthplace: Berlin,Germany
Hometown: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Current Residence: Lake Placid, NY,USA
Siblings: Older sister, Caprice
Other Info: Has also lived in Ascona,Switzerland. Speaks 4 languages: English, German, Italian, and French.

Shared Stats
Training Site: Lake Placid, NY, USA
Coach: Natalia Dubova
Other:Also work with Uschi Keszler and Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko

Shae Lynn and Victor Pictures


All photos on this page are property of Jennifer Jones, and MAY NOT BE USED with out permisson. If you would like to used these photo's please E-Mail me at the following. Thank-You

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