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Test Drive Our Office

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Map to our office

Lynne is on the left, Jennifer is in the middle, & Ivonne is on the right. As you enter our office you will be greeted either by Ivonne, our Administrative Coordinator, Lynne, our Treatment Coordinator, or Jennifer our Front Desk Assistant. Ivonne is bi-lingual(we also have other staff members who speak several foreign languages for your convenience) and she will always greet you with her warm smile & a vivacious hello! Lynne has many outstanding attributes, but her nicest quality is her warm sense of understanding & concern.

Next, you may meet Adriana(right to left) Colleen, Patty or Kim our very dedicated Hygienists. By the way, Colleen & Patty are sisters! They have nearly 30 years of dental experience between them. Need I say more!

They will provide you with the education you need to help you keep your mouth healthy. Their specialty is guiding you step by step to a healthy, bacteria free mouth enviroment. For more details please see our other pages related to dental hygiene. Or please feel free to contact Patty: and she will be happy to respond to your questions or concerns.

Here's the rest of us, just one big happy group. From right to left bottom row:

Adriana (hygienist), Colleen (hygienist), Patty (hygienist) Zack (Dr. Kagan's son & maintenance ) Juli (Marketing) Felicia (Dental Assistant) Kim (Hygienist), above Left is Cristy (Dental Assistant), Ivonne(Front Desk-Administative Coordinator), Dr. Salazar, Dr. Kagan, Meryl (Dental Assistant), Lynne (Treatment Coordinator), & finally Jennifer (Front Desk Assistant)We will all make you feel right at home. Please come in and and share a new, pleasant, unique dental experience with us. Mention this web site on your 1st appointment (for a cleaning & exam) and receive a 25.00 (twenty -five)dollar gift certificate toward your dental service. Not valid with any other offer.

Glades Road, Boca Raton FL. 33434

Contact 561-487-4440 <