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Computer voices and sounds

"Warning. Warp core collapse in 10 seconds."
"Authorization accepted. Awaiting final code to begin auto-destruct sequence."
"Auto-destruct will designate in 4 minutes and 59 seconds." (male voice)
"The automatic pilot system is not functional."
"Inquires regarding command functions are no long accepted from your present location."
"Picard command codes are no longer valid"
"please specify how you would like to proceed, sir"
"Zimmerman program alpha 1 is now complete"
"unable to comply - internal scanner relays have been damaged"
"Holodeck 3 program is ready"
"warning - outer hull breach"
"warning - inner hull failure imminent on decks 23, 24, and 25 - decompression danger"
"command functions are off-line"
"program complete - enter when ready"
"automatic defense procedures initiated"
"direction unclear, please repeat request"
"stability lost was due to an impact..."
"starboard nacelle not functional..."
"the captain is not on the ship"
"auto destructive sequence armed"
"that program is already in use"
"define parameters of program"
"enter authorization code"
"specify parameters"
"incoming subspace signal"
"input algorithm not accepted"
"Program complete, enter when ready."
"logs accessed"
"please restate command"
"priority recognition alpha-1"
"1 minute to auto-destruct"
"emergency power engaged"

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