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 Kes (performed by Jennifer Lien)

 Place of Birth: 	underground city on the Ocampa homeworld

 Marital status: 	Single

 Current status: 	unknown (dead ?)

 Kes was an Ocampa. She joined Voyager after the Talaxian Neelix, her mate, 
 and Janeway's team had saved her from the Kazon-Ogla. In Sickbay she was a 
 reliable help for the Doctor: he trained her as a nurse, but also taught 
 her medical skills. She was also responsible for the Hydroponic Gardens,
 where she grew fruits and vegetables as food for the crew, and flowers 
 which she loved so much. Once this people had powerful telepathic abilities 
 which Kes, with the help of her tutor Tuvok, rediscovers and increases. 
 She was a good friend for Paris, as well as for the Doctor who she had
 great and positive influence on. She was together with Neelix until stardate 
 50348.1 when she unexpectedly broke up with him. 

 Shortly after stardate 51003.7, however, unforseen events happen: Kes' cells 
 begins to resonate at a different frequency at the quantum level, thus 
 endangering ship and crew. She leaves Voyager in a shuttle, and eventually 
 enters a new state of existence. 

 What happened to her afterwards, and if she will ever return is unknown. 
borrowed from Christoph Reuter

Kes and Jennifer Lien links:

Style Ocampa-The Clothes and Times of Kes
UN-Official Jennifer Lien Fan Club
The Jennifer Lien Voyager Zone
Jennifer Lien Zone
The Jennifer Lien Guide

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