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 Seven (of Nine), Annika (performed by Jeri Ryan)

 She was born on stardate 25479 in the Tendara Colony. At an
 age of about seven (in 2348), some 18 years prior to stardate 50984.3 (2373), 
 Annika Hansen, then on board the deep space vessel 'Raven', was assimiliated 
 into the Borg collective. Before she came aboard Voyager, she served as Tertiary 
 Adjunct to Uni-matrix 01 within the Borg Collective.

 After Janeway severed her link with the collective, her human genes began to 
 reassert themselves, thus provoking a life-threatening reaction from her Borg 
 implants. Only after the Doctor removed those implants, Seven - which is now 
 her name - was almost completely restored to humanity. 

 Captain Janeway decided to keep Seven on board, as it was her who was responsible 
 for severing the link to the Borg, and hopes she will choose to stay. Because 
 there's one thing the people on Voyager can offer her which the Borg could not: 
 friendship ... 

 Currently, she is assigned to the Astrometric lab. 

borrowed from Christoph Reuter
Interviews with Jeri Ryan:

Seventh Heaven

Seven (of Nine) and Jeri Ryan links:

The Official Jeri Ryan Fan Club

to the Voyager crew page. to the Star Trek page.
