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 Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris  (performed by Robert Duncan McNeill)

 Parents: 		Admiral and Mrs. Paris

 Education: 		Starfleet Academy graduate

 Marital status: 	Single

 Biography Sketch: Report of Starfleet Security 

 Paris, born into a long line of distinguished Starfleet officers, had a troubled
 relationship with the high expectations of his father, an admiral, who joined 
 his friends and teachers to praise him as a child but remained tough and remote,
 telling him for instance that crying was a sign of weakness. He managed to 
 graduate from Starfleet Academy after a stormy four years, almost failing 
 stellar cartography as a freshman; he chose Marseilles, France as the site of 
 his physical training second semester. He did hone his natural aptitude for 
 piloting skills on craft large and small and proved adept at holo-engineering. 

 Despite his family legacy, Paris buckled under to the self-imposed pressure 
 and tried to cover-up an error that caused the deaths of three officers at 
 Caldrik Prime; it was only his self-confession at the point he would have been 
 exonerated that netted him a discharge rather than harsher punishment. After 
 leavingStarfleet he turned to the Maquis for fulfillment as a fighter pilot, 
 but was captured by Starfleet on his first mission and this time was sentenced 
 to the Federation Penal Settlement near Auckland, New Zealand, wearing an alarm anklet. 

 Paris was given a reprieve of sorts in early 2371 when he was temporarily 
 released from the rehab colony and given a second chance by Captain Janeway, 
 who needed him to scout her new starship through the Badlands in search of her 
 lost security chief who had been undercover among a Maquis crew Paris had 
 served with, led by former Lt. Cmdr. Chakotay. Had he successfully completed 
 the mission Paris could have applied for permanent parole, but ironically he 
 and the rest of the Voyager crew are missing and presumed lost in the Badlands 
 plasma storms. 

 In later counseling, Paris revealed an unsatisfying relationship with women 
 that has fostered no long-term associations, including a relationship with 
 Susie Crabtree as an Academy freshman and a French woman,"Ricky," met during 
 his Marseilles semester. He also has an affinity for antique Earth ground 
 vehicles and Terran American history and culture, especially of the 20th century, 
 and has enjoyed sailing in true life and in holo-programs.
borrowed from Christoph Reuter

Interviews with Robert Duncan McNeill:
We'll Always Have Paris (31-7-98)

Tom Paris and Robert Duncan McNeill links:
The Paris and Torres Timeline
Paris and Torres Fan Fiction by Author
The Tom Paris ring
Robert Duncan McNeill Fan Club
The Folded, Spindled, and Mutilated Tom Paris Page

to the Voyager crew page. to the Star Trek page.
