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 Chief of Engineering Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres (performed by Roxann (Biggs-)Dawson)

 Education: 		Starfleet Academy, incomplete second year

 Marital status: 	Single

 Biography Sketch: 	Report of Starfleet Security 

 After a brilliant but troubled two years heading toward an engineering specialty 
 at Starfleet Academy, subject Torres seemed to be constantly at odds with the 
 Klingon heritage of her maternal side and after several disruptive episodes 
 agreed to leave school. She and her Klingon mother had lived on Kessick IV along 
 among humans after her father, a human Starfleet officer, left them when she was 5. 

 She later joined the Maquis rebellion in its early stages and by mid-2370 was 
 acting as engineer for former Starfleet officer Chakotay's crew, her position 
 at last report and the crew to which Lt. Tuvok of the U.S.S. Voyager under 
 Captain Kathryn Janeway had infiltrated undercover. Her ship was last heard from a
 week before the Voyager went looking for it in the DMZ Badlands. 

 When she turns to recreation as an outlet, she has been know to play both hoverball 
 and Parrises Squares. 
borrowed from Christoph Reuter

B´Elanna Torres and Roxann (Biggs-)Dawson links:

The Paris and Torres Timeline
Paris and Torres Fan Fiction by Author
The Official Roxann Dawson Fan Club Web Page
Stevie's Roxann Dawson Homepage

to the Voyager crew page. to the Star Trek page. to the main index.
