~The REAL Bio of Nick Carter!~

So here is Nick's real biography...Jane Carter had to edit this after reading it, but luckily I got a hold of it first...

Full Name : Nickolas Gene Carter

Born : January 28, 1985, but I am supposed to say 1980

Astrological Sign : Huh? What's that? A sign?MOMMY!

Nickname : Most people call me Nick, well,except Howie...he calls me BIG Nicky...but that's only when we...(*slap on the head from Jane Carter*)

Pets : Well I like gerbils, but they disappeared...now I have a bunch of dogs and cats

Pastimes : Boating, fishing, drawing, and performing in front of a mirror so I can see how great I really am

Musical Instrument : Huh? This wasn't in my contract! I don't have to play REAL music...all I have to do is sing...and look damn good

Favorite Musicians : Duh! The BSB! We are so awesome! I can't believe that you would ask this question!

Favorite Food : Pizza, McDonalds, Ring Dings, twinkies, chocolate, etc

Favorite Movie : Aliens...and Howie's porno...real good stuff...

Favorite TV Show : Beavis and Butthead...it reminds me of the days B Rok and I used to sit and watch tv all day...sometimes, he would fall asleep on me and I would....(slap from mom)

Favorite Stars : myself...um, I mean Sigourney Weaver and Christina Ricci

Favorite Cologne : Whatever B-Rok likes...he always smells so good...

What I splurge on : Am I supposed to say that? (Jane gives him a look) OH! You mean with money! Sneakers

His Ideal Lady : I like girls with brown hair, but it doesn't matter as long as she has a good personality and is really nice...but I tend to date blondes that look like my sister...

He's most likely to :...I stay up late at night and wait for the guys to go to bed...then I draw them...sometimes it gets out of hand...but I won't get into that....

So there you have it! Bet you didn't know thats what he did! Remember...this is a joke...If you really think this is true, you have some serious problems.

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Email: a_nickcarter@yahoo.com