So little Nicky has a girlfriend...

Is she the one? Look how cute they look!

Nick has a girlfriend. I guess he got sick of Howie's sick advances on him. Or maybe he finally realized that it was NEVER gonna happen with Brian as long as Leighanne was around...who knows? But he does have a girlfriend. Her name is Mandy;I have seen her;she is not from Innosense, and I opted not to put a picture of her on here. The girl has enough embarassment dating Nick. Now, there are some interesting things I would like to point out concerning Mandy...

1. In US magazine Nick was questioned about the blonde that was with him. Was she his girlfriend? He replied,"Who says that's my girlfriend? That was my cousin." Later, he went over and gave her a big kiss....hmmmm, could this be reminiscent of Britney and Chad? Probably not, but what kind of an idiot would say she was his cousin then go make out with her???? That's how rumors get started Nicky...

2. In Bravo magazine Nick actually admits to having a girlfriend and says she is blonde and "looks like my sister BJ". DEAR LORD! Nicky,Nicky,Nicky...please tell me you aren't really this stupid! Did he JUST ADMIT TO DATING/FOOLING AROUND WITH/PROBABLY HAVING SEX with someone that LOOKS LIKE HIS SISTER!!?? He really needs help...Of course that would explain why I thought she was his sister when I watched the pay per view special that a friend taped for me. I swear I thought it was BJ Carter...Let's just hope Mandy and he don't break up...He could turn to his sister for comfort

So What do I think about Mandy?
Simple...I don't care. Let him date whomever he wants, even if she looks like his sister. All the more power to you Nicky. Although I don't recommend admitting that she looks like your sister and I certainly think he should refrain from calling her a member of his family, then kissing her. That's just gross.

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