
This site had been up for over a month and I hadn't received ANY hatemail. I was actually surprised, knowing how much Nick is loved...But,I guess I was wrong about that. The time has come however...I have a hatemail...As promised, here it is...complete with my retort to this chick.

Wow! Guess what??? More hatemail! And this girl pissed me off even more than the first one!

Note: Any grammatical, spelling, or stupid mistakes here are here doing. I copied this exactly

I just wanted to say that you are a huge bitch!Gee Rachel...please...tell me what you really think.How could you say that about Nick?I guess I am an awful person.He is so hot and talented.That's a matter of opinion. I happen to disagree with the part about him being hot.You proably make fun of him cause you know he would never want you.HA! This is the funniest comment I have ever heard! Why the hell would I care if Nick Carter wanted me or not! HAHAHAHAHA! And dont say that you wouldnt want him cause you damn well you would.This is the second funniest comment I have ever heard! Yeah sure...and my website must lead her to believe that I would actually want Nick! I think I made my feelings clear. You are also wanna of the only humor sites about the bsb that i do not find funny the rest i can laugh at but this one went to far. It's called punctuation. Use it. Oh...I am so hurt. I could care less what you think of my site. A lot of people find it funny. Your opinion means nothing to me. YOu are also one of the only ones that doesnt havea pic of your self in it. Actually...no. Most people don't put pictures of themselves on it. Why does it matter what I look like anyway?That most tells us that you know people would make fun of you if they saw what you looked like. Oh? Is that what it "most tells you"? This chick barely makes any sense. First of all I have had the same boyfriend for 2 and a half years, I have plenty of friends, and I am not disgustinly ugly. If you feel the need to make fun me for that without ever even seeing me, then you have issues. Also, Nick would not be happy if he knew you were basing all this on looks. You know...Nicky doesn't like that. You beter brush up on your Carter facts or else he won't marry you someday...And then you go and call yourself a fan Yes I am a Backstreet Boys fan yet you constantly make fun of one of them. That is correct. I am a fan of their MUSIC! NEWSFLASH! That's what they are ALL ABOUT! I love them for their music...not because of what they look like and certainly not for the way they act. They are musicians. That is pathetic! You are pathetic! You also most not havea life if you spend your whole time making a whole friggen website abotu someone you hate. I don't spend my whole time making this website. If you notice, I haven't updated in about two months. In fact, I thought about abandoning this site all together, but just for YOU, I am going to keep updating! Also, are you saying that because I have a site...I have no life? Many fan sites take forever to make too...does that mean that those people don't have a life either? Hmmm... Then you make fun of aaron and jane. Thanks for the play by play. I barely touched on either of them. First off aaron is only 11 years old Thanks for the update. and i met him and he is very friendly. Fine. I never said he wasn't. In fact, I said ONCE that Aaron annoyed me. I barely mentioned him AT ALL on this site. And if you were famous like Nick you r mom would act the same way. No, my mother would never exploit my fame for her own benefit. YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH Rach...can I call you Rach? Calm down...honestly, I could care less about your teenybopper comments. So call me a bitch all you want. It makes no difference. AND NONE OF THE BSB WOULD WANT YOU ANYWAY!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHA! Like I said I could care less if the BSB would want me. I love them for their music. I listen to their music and I don't have any high hopes of "marrying" one someday. Listen to yourself. You sound like a moron.RACHEL IF ANYONE AGREES OR DISAGREES WITH ME AND WANNA TELL ME EMAIL ME AT EMBSKTR522@AOL.COM OH AND NICK IS NOT STUPID HE DID GRADUATE!I know he did. That means nothing. Half the people that graduated with me are idiots too.

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel...read the damn disclaimer. If you love Nick, then go elsewhere. This is a NICK CARTER HUMOR SITE! That means I make fun of Nick to no end. I don't care if you like Nick. That's fine with me. I don't like him and this is my website. I will do what I want with it. I have every right to. If you want to continue to email me and call me a bitch, go right ahead. You're the one who looks like the idiot.

In case you didn't know, there are people on earth that like Nick Carter...Yeah I do know that. Believe me, I am fully aware that he is the most popular BSB. I'm not his biggest fan but I like him! Clearly, I am not his biggest fan either.I don't know why ya'll don't like him but I really don't care...I don't care why you like him either.you can tell your friends that you don't like him that's fine...Hey thanks for your permission! but telling everyone that has access to the web that you don't like him???Yes, that is what I did. Yes I have a right to do it, just like the people who tell me how much they love him have a right to do that. Well...that's where I draw the line...OH NO!!! Please don't "draw the line". I am petrified. that's just plain cruel...Why? There is a disclaimer. Don't be here if you don't like it.I mean, Nick & the other BSB sould some on-line surfin' the net just for fun & see this website!Your point is...? Other people don't like him I guess but at least they don't show it like you do!Actually a lot of sites do. What rock have you been hiding under? Bye the way...have a nice day!Hey! You too!!!

My main message to this girl...read the DISCLAIMER!!! If you like Nick, then why the HELL are you here??? I have a right to say what I want and you have a right NOT to listen, so don't complain when you don't like what you see. It's your choice to be here. Therefore, it is your own fault that you got all offended.

Before starting...on a SERIOUS note (and I mean that, I am not being sarcastic.), I do hope that her sister does get better. I know how painful it is to watch someone suffer like it appears her sister is. I do hope she gets well. But that doesn't mean that this didn't bother me

This site is horrible.(Thank you) How can you judge someone without knowing them first.(I never said I haven't met the BSB. How do you know I haven't?)My sister is a Make A Wish kid and she, my mom, and me got to meet the backstreet boys and hang with them for a whole day.(Well I am happy for you. Again...how do you know I haven't met them too?) They are the nicest bunch of guys on earth.(Well yeah, they are...except for Nick.) They even signed autographs for other fans. (Well that's it! Since they did that, they can definetely be called THE SWEETEST GUYS ON EARTH) Nick and Brian were the sweetest.(Brian is sweet. Nick is not) When my sister was in the bathroom, my mom started to cry, and Nick gave her a hug and told her everything would be ok. Later Brian did the same for me. They were all so nice. How can you talk about Nick's mom like that.(Jane? I barely said anything about her. I wonder what this chick would think of me if I put what I really thought of Mrs. Carter)That's just horrible.(Oh I know. I am the devil here aren't I?)That like me saying bad things about your mom.(Go ahead. I love my mom and I don't care what other people think of her and neither does she. And again, how do you know I don't know Nick's mom personally?) My mother even got a phone number (which I CAN'T give out)(Don't want it, don't need it, don't care about it.)to let them know how Cara is doing. My parents have taught me abd my sister not to judge people that I don't know, I suggest you do the same.(Well your parents did a bad job. Aren't you judging me? Yes you are. Have you ever met me? No. So go back and learn again. Oh and I appreciate you TELLING me what to do)I'm fifteen years old and I could never do a site like this.(Well I am 19 years old and I did do a site like this.)

A few things to this girl, Bobbie...You really piss me off, fricken hypocrite. Don't tell me not to judge people I haven't met and then go and do the SAME THING! You judge me; you don't know me. How the hell do you know I haven't ever met the Backstreet Boys? You don't. So if you are going to preach about not judging then practice what you preach. Don't judge me. Ok, now we got that out of the way... I can say what I want about Nick, when I want to. Did you read the disclaimer? Obviously not. I told you and the other people like this to read it!!! I didn't say you had to be here. You chose to. So if it bothered you, it's not my fault. You could have taken your Nick-loving attitude elsewhere. There are plenty of Nick fan sites. Go see those. I have so much more I could say, but I am not in the mood to waste my time and get her all pissed at me again...(but seriously...are the BSB gonna act like jackasses in front of these people? NO! This is not to say that they ARE asses...I am just pointing something out...They are sweet...most of the time...)

Do you want to be featured here? Then go ahead...tell me how much you hate me.

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Email: a_nickcarter@yahoo.com