Why I Don't Like that Carter Boy

I hate to admit this,but I used to be a huge Nick Carter fan. (*covers her head in shame*) This was when I was stupid and oblivious to what he was really like. After reading the Spin article, I began to notice what a loser he really is.(Notice that I said BEGAN! The article is NOTthe only reason I don't like him. OK?) Anyway, I have cut out parts of that Spin article (most people have read it) to highlight some of Nick's finer moments. There are also some more reasons at the end of it to show that it is NOT JUST THAT DAMN ARTICLE! Enjoy!

It has been brought to my attention that the article is not real and all that shit...I have been told to read the "Heart and Soul of Nick Carter" to get the REAL facts...oh yeah, I can see the REAL facts coming out of that book...tell me again, who wrote it? Oh yeah, his mother. Biased a little bit? I think so. Truth is, we will never know the REAL facts. None of us were there. Anyway, I will read that trash, not for enjoyment, but because it is going to give me "the real facts". (More like something else to mock him for) However, if I can't find someone to borrow it from, I won't read it. I refuse to spend my hard earned money on that book.

"In Bed With The Backstreet Boys"

"Three hours before the show, The House of Blues opens its doors to seventeen year old Leslie, who is confined to a wheelchair...the Boys would be entertaining a 'little handicapped girl' before the concert, but Leslie isn't the one. She doesn't care; it's her birthday and she just spotted Nick roaming the hall...Nick prefunctorily wishes Leslie a happy birthday, he spots two able-bodied girls lurking not five feet away and he's off. Later as he passes Leslie on his way backstage, she goes for it again..Nick, who possesses a finely calibrated sense of detachment, pretends not to hear her..."

Well isn't this nice? Oh yeah, he really gives a rats ass about his fans...someone remind him that they are what makes him what he is...HEY NICK! YOU AREN'T THAT GREAT! DEFLATE YOUR HEAD!!!! He sickens me...I am not going to comment on this anymore...it bothers me to even think about it.

There was a whole section about Nick making fun of fat girls...I am not gonna type it all out cause he isn't worth it, but basically, he cracked up on stage when Howie got stuck singing to a heavier girl. Real nice Nicky.

"..and girls begin crawling all over the van, smushing their faces up against the glass. Nick turns to Brian. 'You know, if we don't go out there,'he says,'we're gonna look like real pricks.'"

Too late! You already are a prick. I put this section in however because, while I think that Nick should respect his fans more, his fans need to realize that the boys need their privacy. They are human beings who are not OBLIGATED to sign autographs and take pics with us. We should give them the respect that we want in return.

More Reasons why I don't like Nick...Remember, this is only my opinion...

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Email: a_nickcarter@yahoo.com