My Thoughts on Millenium

I know, I took me forever to get this up. My friend and I (like the obsessive Backstreet Boys fans that we are) went out and bought the album on the day it came out. We immediately loved it and I figured why not share my thoughts with you!

As a whole I love the album. As AJ says, "This album kicks 'Backstreet Boys' in the butt". It is so much more grown up. Every song seems has a different sound. (I thought that after listening to the first album over and over again, all the songs sounded the same.) Some songs are written and produced by the guys, which I think makes it even better. The words are deeper, their voices sound better, the background music doesn't always sound computer generated and (WHOA!)Kevin sings. I love it.

Larger than Life
I could be wrong, but I don't think that any other boyband has ever written a song about their fans. It was sweet of the guys to do that. I think we all know it is hard for the guys to interact with fans the way they may like to. They are bombarded everywhere they go and often have to run away quickly. So this is the way to say thank you to all the fans. I love the edge it has to it and AJ screaming at the beginning is an awesome way to start an album.

I want it that way
The concept of this song confuses me. I don't understand the lyrics. Maybe I am just stupid. (If anyone knows what this is me please. I want to know)(**I have gotten some responses to this song and I am no longer in the dark! You can keep sending them if you want to! Thanks!) But I love the sound of it. Its one of those songs you have to sing along to. Even my boyfriend, who claims to hate the BSB, sings it when it comes on the radio. (and I refuse to change it) Another thing I like is that you can hear all the guys singing in it. Kev's part doesn't even get the shaft in the video! (aka "All I have to give)

Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely
I heard this song on the radio before the album was released and knew that the album was going to be great. I don't care what anyone else says, this isn't bubble gum pop. I got a little lost at the lyrics first, but you can almost feel the pain that the singer is trying to convey. (For once I agree with Nick) Beautiful music, beautiful sound. This song is good and sure as hell isn't "typical boyband pop". Again, this is so much more grown up then "As Long as you love me" or "I'll Never break your heart".

It's Gotta be You
Ok, so it sounds like most of the BSB's upbeat songs. It still puts me in a good mood and makes me want to jump around. It's not a sappy love song...its about sex. (At least thats what I think)This isn't one of my favorites on the album. I might get sick of it after awhile, but right now, I really like it.

I Need You Tonight
WHY??? WHY DOES NICK GET A SOLO AND NO ONE ELSE DOES? I don't get it. Fine, it's a good song. But so is "Thats what she said" and even "Lay down beside me". I thought that everyone got a solo on this album. Why only Nick? WHY WHY WHY? Also, what happened to "Heaven in your eyes"? They took it out of the verses. Oh well. Even though I don't like Nick and his whiny voice, I like the song. (Although I think it is a tribute to Brian...sorry. I had to get that in)

Don't Want You Back
This again has the same sound as some of the other upbeat songs. But who cares? It's about time they sing about something besides loving someone forever, blah blah blah. The girl was a jerk. So he doesn't want her back. Stick it to bitch! My favorite part is when AJ says,"But there were things that made me realize. Like all your hundred, NO, thousand lies". (But why does Nick have to say "sexuality". Wasn't "Everybody" enough?) This is probably one of my favorite BSB songs just because it isn't a sappy love song.

Don't Wanna Lose You Now
Now we get into the sappy love songs. This song shows that guys can actually care when a girl leaves them. I love it when Brian says,"I wish that I didn't need you so bad. Your face just won't go away". I just love that part. I think it means that you can't help who you love. Even if you don't want it that way, it can't be helped. Another example of how the guys have grown up. This song is much deeper than any of the songs on "Backstreet Boys" However, it reminds me of another song and I can't think of what its called...

The One
I love this song. I think this is my favorite on the album. I love the music, the words, everything about it. Why? It could be because I always thought that when you care about someone, then you would do anything for them; help them through anything. This song just echoes my feelings. Call me cheesy if you want, I don't care. I love this song. I never get sick of it.

Back to Your Heart
This is my best friend's favorite song. And we just wanna say, "GOOD JOB KEVIN!" Can you feel his pain guys? I love the line,"It's not that I can't live without you. It's just that I don't want to try". I can't stand it when I hear,"I can't live without you". It's corny bullshit. It's not that you CAN'T live without a person; it's that you DON'T WANT to...and Kevin said it perfectly. Like "Show me the Meaning...", you can feel the pain the guy is going through. Very well done. Don't just let Kevin sing...Let him write too!

Spanish Eyes
When I first read the title, I laughed. This was obvisouly Howie's idea. But after listening to it, I decided it wasn't too bad. After a few days, I decided I really like it. I think it has beautiful lyrics and the guitar in the back is awesome. The only thing I don't like about it is the end. The song builds and builds and there is no big ending. That bothers me.

No One Else Comes Close
This kind of reminds me of "Lay Down Beside Me" minus all the sexual connotations. It's sort of calm and quiet. It isn't a flashy song or anything. But I still like it. It's a good way to tell someone you care.

The Perfect Fan
People have told me that the Spice Girls and Boyz II Men do a song like this on their albums. I have never heard either so I don't know if the BSB's is better or not. But I think it is real sweet. Brian did a good job writing it. For some reason my friend and I were almost crying when we heard it. (And we are NOT the people to cry when hearing the Backstreet Boys)I love the choir in the back. It makes the song more dramatic. Know what my favorite part is? The WHOLE THING! You know why? Nick can't be heard. Where is he?

All in all the album rocked. Honestly, I think that (with this album) the guys could actually go on as a long lasting boy band. Maybe they won't fade away like the New Kids did. When listening to it, I was actually proud of them. I think they definetely proved themselves here. If anyone ever says that the BSB are just bubble gum pop, I am gonna make them listen to this.

Wanna tell me what you thought of the album? Then go ahead! I love to get mail!

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