A picture is worth a thousand words...But these are worth a million!

Brian: Dammit Nick! GET OVER ME! It's never gonna happen!!!
Nick: But...Brian...I love you...

Nick: Isn't Brian so CUUUUUTTTEEE???? He is almost as hot as me!
Brian: Get this freak off of me! SECURITY!!!

Brian: That's IT NICK! You are going down!!!! If this is what it takes then you go right under the freakin water!!!
Nick: Oooooohhhh Brian...move that hand up a little more...
(Brian then screams in agony and runs away)

Nick can get real hungry on the road...sometimes food is not accessible...and what is the next best thing???? That's right! BRIAN!!!
Don't ask me what the hell they are wearing...I can't even begin to figure it out

AJ: (to Aaron) I am gonna take you out and beat you like your motha never did!
Nick: Yeah! Dats right!

Nick has just attempted to hit on AJ, who is clearly disturbed by it...Brian tried to keep the peace and jumps in the middle. This of course makes Nick think that Brian wants him. (See how he is checking him out in the back)
It appears that AJ went "commando" today.


Nick: Oh Howie, my red hot tamale...you are soooo amazing...you are all I ever wanted...and all I ever needed...(wait...that's not right)
Howie: (to himself) Check this weirdo out! I knew he wanted me, but geesh...can't he hold back his desires for just a few minutes???

What Howie gave Nick for Christmas...Himself, under his tree, with a big red bow!!! Isn't that cute???

Well, there you have it...the first batch of funny Nick pictures. I am working on putting more up. If you have any funny ones and want to send them to me, feel free!

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Email: a_nickcarter@yahoo.com