~Think Before You Speak~

"Dammit...did I actually say that????

Yes you did and I thank you for giving me something else to make fun of you for...

~~Does he ever think before speaking?~~

"I'm not pickin' my nose"

...I am pointing to where my brain SHOULD be

"I am always putting stuff in his (Howie's) mouth"

So the truth comes out...
I know that I took this out of context and I apologize if you find my sick sense of humor disturbing. But admit it...you think this quote is funny too...

"Everytime something pops up, we nail it right in the butt"

This was the stupid Nick Quote of the Week for awhile...and can't everyone see why? What a moron

"I don't believe in being mean to people. I am a very peaceful person"

I wouldn't have made fun of this except for one thing...He is mean to people! I hate to beat a dead horse, but the Spin article????? I am pretty sure that was mean...

"Guys have nipples because they need them for girls to kiss"

I can't compete with that one! There is nothing I can say that will make that quote any funnier. I am still laughing. Where does he come up with this stuff?

"I'll tell you one thing, we've been together for almost six years and done ten tours. So of course it makes me upset to see that we are competing with 'NSync at this level, because really, I feel we're at a higher level, maturity wise"

says the guy who has an exstensive beanie baby collection (not that I am knocking on that)and jumps around like a moron at any chance he gets...real mature. And is it really professional to knock on another group? I don't think so.

"Sometimes good looks come in handy"

But I thought he liked a girl with "inner beauty"...

Have you ever taken anything from a hotel room? "Yeah, a Bible. I usually take a Bible everywhere with me, but I've forgotten a few times and there was this one room, so I just took it. I guess it is complimentary anyway right? I think I have also taken a few towels, but I've never taken anything big like a TV"

A complimentary BIBLE???? Really???? Is he this stupid....Where is Jane Carter's cue cards when he needs them...He is so stupid!!!!!

"I dunno...they just all bunched up when I put these spandex things on"

What exactly got all bunchy? Interesting...

"Howie can be serious at times, but at times, he can be as crazy as me and Brian"

Translation : Howie denies me lovin sometimes, but then he can get all crazy and let me have it like I wish B-Rok would....

"So I went on TV and made a fool out of myself"

hmm...now there is shock...Nick made a fool of himself? Weird...

"Howie..what about David Hasselhoff? HA! That's Howie's favorite!"

Really? Can you picture it? Nick and Howie sit down with a bowl of popcorn to watch David run up and down the beach...I can see it now

"I can make him happy"

It's ok Nicky...I understand...you are really broken up about B-Rok...accept it..he found another blonde bimbo to take your place...

"I am a camera hogger"

DUH! That's all I have to say about that one

"I have no name. My name is God. Practice saying Hail God"

Well..I can see a thousand teeny boppers on their knees praising this apparent God Nick...how conceited can he get????

"Put your brains together and think"

...and take your own advice...especially before you open your damn mouth...

"Me and Howie have been on the road too long. This is what the road does to us"

...They say when caught together in drag in the back of the tour bus

"I've been seeing some stuff on the internet, like, funky stuff"

Ahhh...I hope he means this site...

"I am now in Florida. It is where I resign"

Hmmm...well I am pretty sure that I RESIDE in Massachusetts...

I got heat exhaustion one time. It was summer in Florida and I got so hot and I was exhausted"

I have no comment on this one...

"I'd like to do anything I can to these guys"

Really? like what Nicky? You do know that if they don't consent, it's considered rape?

"It feels sooooo wonderful"

What does? Hearing the guys scream NO in agony as you force them into something they don't want???

"Hey I heard that!"

Sorry! It had to be said

"Hooo! Um, I don't think so too much, um, ah, maybe a few here and there, but, um, hey, I don't know-yeah, we do, basically, sometimes"

Whoa! Nick, make up your mind, do you and Howie do it or not?

(Thanks to the girls at "3 Fine Guys and 2 that Tag Along" for this quote...and I apologize for taking it totally out of context...it's for humor purposes!)

"They strip searched Howie"

...and I was jealous...

"I love the rat"

Some may say he is talking about Tyke, but I think it was Howie.

"Is Norway a place is Sweden?"

Is he serious?

"This is some private stuff back here and you still film away"

That's because we are amazed at what is going on back here Nick...

"Whatever! Turn the camera off!"

Fine...I don't care what goes on with Howie anyway. He is a troll

"That is scary looking right there"

The first time that Nick looked in the mirror


Enough said

"I'm sorry. Brian and Howie won't let me"

...kiss them in public

"Sometimes, I think TOO hard"

For some reason, I HIGHLY doubt that

"I would be the monkey's trainer"

Go ahead Nick. Try and train Howie. It can't be done.

"I DON'T have a big head"

And I am the Queen of England

"It's funny to sing in the middle of so many bras"

...and it's hard to resist the temptation to try them all on....

"Me and Howie wear fruit of the loom"

Oh! Isn't that cute? They share underwear now!

"Hey we're from England! Our name is Desert, not Oasis"

Stupid stupid boy...sometimes he says things that remind me of jokes my 47 year old father would make...

Stuff Said about Nick

"Nick is Mr. Pay TV" -Howie

Translation:Nick orders us some gay porno

"I've noticed that in this interview, Nick is talking way too much" -Kevin

Stick it to him Kevin! I think Nick talks way too much in every interview!

"It was Nicky's belt loop" -Howie

...that I got my finger stuck in...I swear I wasn't trying to get him to strip down for me...

"It's all your fault Nick!" -AJ

Good call AJ

"I'll have to pay for Nick's bills probably"-Brian

Because Nick wasted all his money on those pornos he loves so much

"I'm not gonna kiss and tell" -Howie

I am CONVINCED this is about Nick =)
Ok, so maybe it isn't...but if it is true, I can't blame Howie for not wanting to tell. It's embarassing

"If I was their age and I liked girls, I would probably go after Nick" -Howie

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!! If this isn't proof, I don't know what is

If you have any funny Nick quotes, please email them to me! Thank you!

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