Nick's Redemption (Sort of)

"See Julie...I told you I am not such an ass...You know you want me again..."

Now I never said you weren't an ass...but no, I do not want you.

Is it possible? Did Nick Carter actually do something that seemed somewhat decent? Yes it is true. Nick is no longer the scum on the bottom of a dirty trash he is just the dirty trash barrel...will he continue to move up? Only time will tell

So, on with my Nick redeemed himself...If you own the new Millenium CD, you may have read Nick's thank you's. He directs his thank you to the fan that is reading it at that moment. (I almost stopped reading it cause I really did not want him directing anything to me. The thought sickens me. But I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt...)He says how important that one person is and how much the individual fan means to the group...then he goes on and names all these numbers and do some really DUMB millenium code thing...

I just thought it was sweet of him to direct the thank you to the fan reading it. It shows each fan how she is one individual part of their success. The fans are his reason for success and I am glad he acknowledged that. I liked it....but he is still a self centered there is no revival of my Nick love here...

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