The Perfect Response!

Today, I got an email that I really liked. This girl echoes my feelings exactly. Just read on...I would like to dedicate this to all those people who have sent me hatemail recently. This one's for you guys!
Note: This is the exact email she sent me.

Hey, Julie, how's it going? I just read your hate mail section on your webpage. I hate stupid people. Stupid people should not breed, because the outcome is stupid CHILDREN. But that's not what I'm emailing you about.

Okay, first of all, those people you narked on in the hatemail section need to get a damn life. I mean, okay, they're fans. They like Nick. Yay for them. So do I. Nick is my second favorite actually. And the first time I went to your website, I about died laughing. Any real fan can do that. I mean, the Backstreet Boys are NORMAL human beings. If you're a real fan, you can see their flaws, realize they make mistakes and laugh about them.

Nick is the most imperfect of them all. I mean the guy RESIGNS in Florida.

Maybe in 50 years he might RESIGN there, but for now, he resides. If people would get his fat ass off that pedastal, they'd realize he has flaws, imperfections and is overcome with an insane amount of stupidity. But that's Nick for ya and I think that's what makes him cute. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me, or if what I said didn't make sense, but that's the way I see things. And no, I was, in no way, picking on your site or anything about it. It's great just the way it is.

And a note to stupid, overly obsessed fans....if you weren't so uptight and looking at the world through rose colored glasses, you'd notice that all the things Julie mentioned or pointed out on that site are, in fact, true. She just has opinions about them. So, GET OVER IT.

Okay then, I guess that's all. I hope I got my point across. TTYL. Bye.

I couldn't have said it better myself! Thanks a lot Brandi!!!

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Read the Stupid Hatemail she is talking about!
