Nick's Daily Schedule

Nick trying to look smart. Who the hell is he fooling?

6:00 am - Gets up and realizes he is late! How is he supposed to eat and be ready for a photo shoot at 10:30?????? Quickly runs to start breakfast.

8:30 am - The other guys join him. Kevin yells at him for eating all the pancakes. Howie winks at him across the table.

9:00 - The guys leave and go to get ready. Nick is still eating

9:30 - Nick finally finishes his breakfast and is real pissed that he was rushed. But thats showbiz! Runs to meet up with the guys.

10:00 - The bus has to turn back when Nick realizes that he left cover up in the room. He pisses and moans until the guys agree to turn around.

10:30 - Photo shoot. Nick watches Brian strike all these sexy poses...and wishes he could be in them too. He also corrects his stylist and says he could do the make up better. He grabs the brush away from her and does it himself.

11:00 - Since Nick did a damn good job with the mascara and lipstick, Howie attempts to grab Nick's ass in public and Nick smacks his hand away. The guys would kick his ass if they ever found out about his "encounters" with Sweet D. Also, that would ruin his shot with B-Rok

11:30 - Nick is getting hungry again. But he has to have his picture taken. Photographers start telling him how hot he is. And he replies,"I know"

12:00 - FINALLY! Lunch time! It has been a long time since Nick ate. He is starving. He also attempts to write a song. However, he can't get far. All he knows is he wants it to be his solo...

2:00 pm - It's almost rehearsal time. Nick practices saying "I am sexual" in the mirror while doing thrusty moves and pulling up his shirt (attempting to be AJ. Kevin comes in and tells him to cut the shit and Nick starts to cry...Kevin almost feels bad until Nick starts practicing, "I should have known that I would be another victim of your SEXUALITY".

2:30 pm - Rehearsal. The guys have to stop periodically cause Nick is gazing at himself in the window.

3:00 pm - Nick starts substituting all his lines for "Am I sexual". Kevin again smacks him

4:00 pm - Brian runs to get Nick cue cards. He forgot the words to his own song. Howie is still winking at Nick.

4 :30 pm - Basketball with Brian. This is the highlight of Nick's day. However, today it is cut short cause Tyke runs out and bites Nick's leg. Oh well.

5:00 pm - Nick tries to go to dinner early. Kevin has caught on and locks Nick in his room

5:30 pm - I am not sure what Nick is doing during this time...But Howie is nowhere to be seen. Probably just playing nintendo. After all that is Nick's favorite pastime.

6:00 - Finally! It's dinner time. Nick eats a pizza...not a piece, a LARGE PIZZA...then burps and goes back to his room

7:00 pm - BJ Carter calls just like she does every night. They talk for awhile and finally Jane gets on the phone and reminds Nick that it is time for bed. Nick talks to BJ for a little while longer then says goodbye. His mom is right...she is always right. Whatever Mom says, goes

8:30 pm : Nick tries to use his word from the word of the day calendar in a sentence and fails miserably. He got it once, but thats when the word was "phenomenal". Can you guess what his sentence was? "I am phenomenal"

9:30 pm - Nick has been trying with this word desperately for an hour. Then he looks at his clock, realizes how late it is and that Jane is gonna kick his ass, so he goes to bed. Sleeping next to him is his favorite beany baby

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