The Jerry Springer Show

The following story was sent to me by Nikki...I thought it was hilarious, so I put it up! Enjoy!

Jerry: Hello, and welcome to the show. Todays guests are people who want to set the red hot rumors circulating about them and prove them false. Our first guest is Justin Timberlake!
::Audience cheerls loudly and gives Justin a standing ovation when he comes in. Justin has a smile on his face and sits down.::
Justin: Yo, what up Jerry, my dawg??
Jerry: Hello, Justin, and welcome to the show.
Justin: It a pleasure to be here, Jerry!
Jerry: Now, Justin, as we understand there have been rumors flying aroung that you date--
::Jerry is cut short by Britney Spears running on stage and sitting in Justin's lap. The audience boos at Britney.::
Britney (in a high squeaky voice): Me! Justy dates me!
Justin (disgusted, pushing Britney off him); Yo, what the f*ck is this? I don't date no hoe bags! I neva eva set my hands on dis skank! Yo, she be tellin lies, man!
Britney (sternly, hands on hips): Now, now baby. Tell the truth. You know you love me!
::Justin picks up a chair and swings it at Britney, she ducks and it crashes to the ground, Justin gets up out of his chair ready to fight. The security guards come up on stage and hold him back.::
Justin (hollering): Yo, you wanna piece of dis, bitch?
Britney: Of course! I love you!
::Finally, the security guards manage to get Justin to sit in a chair. Britney keeps batting her eye lashes at Justin.::
Jerry: NOW! Justin is not the only one of whom the rumors of dating this girl are flying around about. There is also another man. Nick, come one out!
::Nick prances on stage. He bows, expecting a standing ovation like Justin got. Crickets cue in.::
Jerry: Uh...
::Audience is still silent.::
Jerry: Nick talk a seat. Welcome to the show.
Nick: Yes, Jerry thank-you.
Britney: Who the hell is he?
Jerry: Why that is Nickolas Gene Carter.
Britney: But why is he on the show?
Nick: Because there are rumors going around that I date you!
Justin (to Nick): Yo, even a ho like her have gots better taste that to date yo ugly-ass!
Britney: Oh, silly Nicky! I though I told you! I don't date you, I just blow you--
Nick: Shut-up, bitch!
Jerry: All right! All right! So, there are rumors going around that Justin Timberlake dates Britney. But you don't, Justin, right?
Justin: Yo, dat be right.
Jerry: And ther are false rumors going around that Nick dates Britney.
Nick: Right.
Britney: No, Jerry! I BLOW Nick!
::Nick stands up, furious. He picks up a chair and throws it at Britney,. It hits her left implants and it pops. Audience breaks out into cheers::
Nick; Shut the hell up bitch! I only paid you one fucking time to blow me!
You know my heart belongs to Brian! Brian!
:;Audience gasps:: Jerry: Nick, are you a bisexual?
Nick: YES!!!!
Britney: Gee whiz! Guess what, Jerry! I'm a lesbian! I am consntly thinking about Monica Lewinsky--
::Britney is cut off by Justin throwing a chair at her. Her other implant pops.::
Justin: F*CK YOU!!!
Nick (sobbing): I want Brian! Brian.....!
JErry: We will have a commercial break now and when we get back, the remaining members of the Bakstreet Boys and *N Sync will come out! Stay tuned!
Jerry: Hello, and welcome back. Into day's show we have met Britney, Justin, and Nick. Nick and Justin both deny the rumors circulation about dating
Britney Spears. Justin firmly denys it, but Nick admitts that Britney has given him oral sex once. Also, Nick claims he is a bi-sexual and is in love with Brian Littrell from his group. And Britney also claims that she is a lesbian that has a crush on Monica Lewinsky.
:;Nick is in his chair still crying like a sissy. Britney is in her chair, putting her implants back in. And Justin, well Justin is just there.::
Jerry: Can we please welcome the Backstreet Boys and *N Sync to the show!
::The audience stands up and cheers, Joey and Chris come out and do back flips. JC walks out. LAnce stands in the back like a pussy, Kevin walks out cooly. AJ has to puch a bright red Brian Littrell on stage. And Howie charges out on stage and knocks Nick chair over as he strattles Nick.::
Howie (screaming): How could you! How could you cheat on me Nick? How? I though I meant something to you! But then you go an treat me like shit! F*ck you! I am no longer your lover!
::Audience gasps Howie calmy takes his seat as the all expet Nick stare at him in astonishment.::
Kevin (to Howie): You f*cked Nick?
Howie: Yes.
JC: What a p*ssy!
Britney: Hello! I thought the show was about me!!!!
Jerry: Uh, yes, Britney it is. You can say something.
Britney: Yeah, all I wanna say is that Lance better pay up.
Lance (nervously): Say what?
Britney: You heard what I said, pansy ass. You better pay up cos you are my friggin pimp!
::Audience gasps again.::
Kevin: You f*ck Britney?
Lance (Sobbing): YES!!!!!
Joey: Danielle is not gonna like this!!!
Jerry: Well it just so happens that we have Danielle on the show. Danielle come on out!
:;Danielle storms on stage and beats the shit out of her boyfriend. She pulls Lance off his chair and throws him to the ground. She strattles him and starts to punch him in the face::
Danielle (schreeching): You mother f*cker! How could you cheat on me?? How?? And with this skank! AHHHH!! Go to hell! I always knew that you were a fag! Damnit!
::She throws him down once more and then gets up. She storms over to Britney ad yanks out her weave. Britney starts to cry. Lance lays on the floor not moving. Justin is laughing hysterically about what Danielle did to Britney. Nick is still crying because Howie dumped him. Brian is stil embarasses because Nick professed his love to him. Howie rushes over to Lance and cuddles him.::
Howie (tenderly to Lance); Lance, Lance are you alright, sweetheart?
Lance (groggily); Huh? What?
Joey: Are you gay, Lance?
Lance: Huh?
Howie (furious): Shut up, you son of a bitch!
Joey (getting out of his seat): Make me, asshole!
Howie (leaving Lance and moving towards Joey); Alright, f*cker. Let's rumble.
JC (coming to Joey's defence): Yo, leave him alone, pansy!
Howie: Make me!
Joey: I will! I pound your little gay ass into the ground!
AJ (stepping inbetween Joey and Howie): Guys cut it out.
::Joey pushes him out of the way. AJ lands on the floor. Howie and Joey pounce on each other. Kevin gets mad at Joey for pushing AJ to the floor so he picks up a chair and swings it at Joey but misses and hits JC. JC picks up a chair and throws it at Kevin. The crowd goes wild.::
Jerry: DAMNIT! Where are those f*cking security guards???
Producer: They went out to lunch, boss.
Jerry: Dammnit!
:: Joey and Howie are now rolling on the floor, hitting each other. JC and Kevin are throwing chairs at each other. AJ runs over to help Kevin, but Chris pushes him back, and soon the two of them get into a fight.::
Justin (with a huge grin on his face): Whoa, man. Look at those people go!!!
::Now Britney, Nick, Brian, and Justin are the only ones sitting in their seats. Nick suddenly becomes furious at Justin and runs over to where Justin is sitting, knocking over his chair. ::
Justin: Yeah, yo, man, why the f*ck you be doin dat?
Nick (picking Justin up by his shit colllar); You! It's you you pansy ass son of a bitch! It's you that made me bi sexual!!!
Justin: How do you mean, man?
Nick (growling): I was always every teenyboppers dream. Then your sunshiney ass had to come along and hog my place and cut off my flow of girls. Then I fell in love with Brian. (Brian blushes and runs off stage, embarrassed.) But Howie sould screw sooo good so i gave him a shot! I had no girls! Then I picked that ho (points to Britney) off the street corner one night to give me a blow. She told me she was an up and coming singer. She sure can screw. But I want Brian! And you made me this way! You should DIE, Justin Randell Timberlake!!!
::Upon hearing Nick utter the words "die" to her Justy, Britney runs over to Nick.::
Britney (screaming): Leave my boyfriend the hell alone!
Nick (pushing Britney out of the way): Leave me alone, bitch.
Britney: Now I have had it, mister. No one talks to my boyfriend like that!!!
::Britney starts to sing::
Britney: My lonliness is killing me...
::Nick instantly drops Justin to the ground. He falls on his knees and covers his ears.
Nick (screaming): Stop! Make it stop!
::The members of BSB and *N Sync also fall to the ground and cover their ears. So does the audience.::
Britney: Hit me baby one more time!
Nick: STOP!!!
JC: Oh, make her stop!
Kevin: Oh, the pain! The agony!
Howie: Earplugs! I need earplugs!!!
Justin: Bitch, stop singing!!!
::Britney abruptly stops. She runs over to Justin.::
Britney: Justin! Are you alright, sweetheart?
::Justin gets up off the floor and faces Britney, who is about inches away from him. Britney puckers her lips, ready for Justin to kiss her. It races through Justin's mind whether he should kiss Britney or not, after all, she did save his life.::
Justin (after thinking for a moment): Ah.
::Justin walks off stage. Britney starts to cry.::
::The remaning members of BSB and *N Sync stand up. They look around. And then make a mad dash off the stage, screaming.::
:;Britney is left standing in the middle of the stage.::
Britney: breeze?
::The audience stands up and gives Britney a standing ovation. She smiles and curtseys then runs off stage.::
Jerry (relieved): Well, that's it for today's show. And rememeber, you must follow your heart and should neber play the person you are dating. And remember take care of yourself and others. Have a nice day.
::Music in.::
Producer: That's a rap!

Where are they now??? 20 Years later

Howie and Lance: After Howie realizes that Nick was playin him, he got hooked up with Lance. They have been together since.

Chris: Chris moved back to his hometown of Pittsburgh, PA where he now is a garbageman.

JC: JC has persued a solo career and is now married and has 3 kids.

Joey; Joey somehow went crazy after *N Sync broke up. He is in a mental institution in Tampa Bay, FL.

Kevin: After the ladies found out Nick was gay, they all went after Kev. He now is a swinger.

Brian: Brian got over the embarrass ment that he encountered on the Jerry Springer Show. He is now curretly married with once kid. He has his own record company.

AJ: Aj got a hundred more tatoos inked on his skin and 45 more piercings. He now is in the circus.

Nick: Nick is now the chairman for the Gay and Lesbian Foundation of America. He now lives in Idaho.

Britney: Britney quit the music business and only relied on her night job alone (take a guess at what that is). Britney also got married to her cousin Chad. They now have 12 inbred childern, all of which are crazy.

Justin: After *N SYnc split up, Mr. Timberlake settled down with starlette Christina Aguleria. Justin also quit the musin business, dropped the ebonics, and became--a lawyer.

Pretty good huh? I thought she did a great job!

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