
I decided that I was using up too much space on the front page. It took forever to scroll down to the bottom. So I am moving the updates in here. It easier anyway.

August 5
I put up a story written by a friend. Its the Jerry Springer show starring the BSB, NSync, and Britney Spears. Go check it out. It's good!

August 2
I got the perfect response to those shitty hatemails I have received lately. She says it better than I could ever!

July 30
Updates have been very scarce. I am planning on many more. I got a lovely hatemail that pissed me off greatly and just for her, I am coming back. Go check out what she had to say. Her name is Rachel

June 29
Ok I know I haven't updated in awhile and I am sorry! But thanks for emailing me and signing my guestbook! I love all of you!
I added a couple more funny pictures at the bottom of page 2 and some hatemail...I only got one!

June 22
Even more pictures. I put them at the bottom of page2. I am trying to add some of those everyday. I get sort of lazy though.

June 21
More funny pictures. These ones are good. Well, at least I think they are.
A new quote said by Howie about Nick...it displays his TRUE feelings.
By the way Brian is perfectly fine so that's why the thing on him isn't there anymore. Still love him though!

June 20
Some funny pictures! There will be more soon. I just have to find the time. If you have any more you want to send me, feel free!
A few more links
Changed the Stupid Quote again
Nick's bedtime prayer
Something about Brian

June 12
Nick's daily schedule. I did this real late only because I wanted to do something else before I go away. Therefore, I don't really think it is that funny. I will probably do it again when I get back.

June 11
More stupid things Nick has said and also some things the others said about him.
My review on Millenium.

June 8
I finally changed the stupid Nick quote of the week

June 4
Another song parody done by Stacy from "Kevin and those other dudes". (Go to my links and check out her page. It's hilarious)
My thoughts on Nick's girlfriend
My interview with Nick

June 3
More top ten lists
My thoughts on Nick's yahoo chat
Some more stupid things Nick has said

Look for more coming soon. I will have more stupid things he has said. (Dumb stuff is always coming out of his mouth, isn't it?) I will also have more song parodies, more Nick pictures, my second interview with Nick, and a Dear Diary section. Thank you for your patience and if you have any suggestions, just email me! I love to get mail

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Email: a_nickcarter@yahoo.com