My Thoughts on Nick's Yahoo Chat

Yo baby...check me out...I can actually type and get through an entire yahoo chat...sort of...

Here are my thoughts on Nick's yahoo chat back in July last year. So it's old? Who cares? My comments are the ones italicized. And since I don't feel like typing out each and every name of the chatters, I just wrote a "c" for them...Ok? By the way this is an actual chat...the things he said are real. I know it is hard to believe since some of them sound so DUMB, but I didn't make them up. Only Nick can take credit for this one.

C:Do you ever feel like you missed out because you never played high school sports, attended the prom, or went to graduation because you were tutored?
It'sall Jane's fault...and she will do it again. Watch out Aaron. Also, would he really have graduated?
N:Of course I do. I think it was a definite sacrifice to make in order to do this...But at the same time, I wouldn't give this up for the world,but again as I've said there are things I wish I could've done.
Yeah, you better say comes Jane with the whip...

C:Nick, why did you cut your hair?
N:Well, you must be talking recently...but I didn't cut my hair,well I did,I had to trim it down because it was getting way too long. In the Teen People issue people were saying how it was way too long and I was kind of tired of that. Plus, summertime came around and it was getting way too hot.
And you were starting to look like a Spice Girl. Does this boy ever make any sense. First he didn't cut his hair, then he says he did...make up your mind Nick-ay
C:What is the worst part of being famous?
N: I'm never really home much. I'm always touring and I really don't have time to relax chill and do nothing. Recently I did, but we're always really being home and seeing all my family and friends.
Am I the only one confused. He starts babbling and not making any sense near the end...someone else should have answered these questions
C: What do you really look for in a girl?
N: I think a girl should, in general what I look for is somebody who can handle the pressures and things that I do. A lot of the reasons that we don't have girlfriends is because of all the pressures we undertake. I mean you have to be attracted to a person, but you can put a not so good looking girl next to a gorgeous girl and if the not so good looking girl has a better personality,then you'll go that way. Some people will say "Yeah right"
Yeah right...nice cheesy answer Nick...and conveniently your gf is a pretty blonde girl huh? Where do I start with this answer?? Again, he started off making no sense and babbled around, but what I get is he is trying to be the guy that everyone wants...but as I said...yeah right
C: What are you wearing at the moment? tell me it is that pink lace teddy???
N: I'm wearing a warm up suit and Nikes
C: Hi Nick! Have you ever gone skinny dipping? And if not will you ever?
N: Yeeeeaaah I have, but I was by parents were gone and I was like "Why not?"
WHY NOT???? Do I need to answer that question???
C:If you could have a superpower for a day what would it be and why?
N: I would have the ability to clean up the ocean. To help the world in some way..if that question was asked to somebody they'd say I'd love to have super jumping powers, I'd like to give back to the world, and I can't do that I'd want to do something else for it
Uh huh...ok...Nick, here is my message to you...GO BACK TO SCHOOL! His thoughts are getting real annoying. Is he trying to show us how great he is when he says that somebody would say that they want super jumping powers or whatever? Fine Nick, you are great, ok?
C: What is your biggest fear in life?
N: My biggest fear in life would have to be...well I really can't stand sharks although I'm fascinated by them. Well not that I can't stand them, but my fear is being in the water and being attacked by them. But I'd have to say flying, I hate flying...if there's an opportunity to take a bus or fly, I'd rather take a bus. I don't want to step on a plane where you don't have control.
C: What's it like on the tour bus?
N:Can be hectic, very claustrophobic, canbe fun at times when you play video games in the back. That's the best. I love playing video games
I don't think thats all that goes on in the back of the bus
C: What's the craziest rumor you ever heard about yourself or the band?
N:Craziest rumor...Well..I can name a series of rumors..I would like to start off with everyone thinking I am gay. I'm not gay. Also that I was leaving the group...I'm not. I heard another one that I was kicked off the tour on the way to a show--don't know how that could happen...That's a couple of them rumor? I wonder why people think that...hmmm...I will leave it at that...
C:Why did Kevin throw you out of the dressing room in your green undies?
N:Cause he is a meanie head! No, what happened was, I don't know, like I said, sometimes they pick on me alot!
Who says meanie head? He wonders where the gay rumor got started? It's things like that...
C:Would you ever pose for playgirl?
OH GOD NO!!! NO! NO! NO!!!!!
N:I don't think so. Come back and ask me that in ten years
I will never EVER come back and ask that question. I don't ever want to hear that again. I am deeply disturbed right now...
C:Hey Nick I was wondering if the ring on your right hand is from someone special?
N: It's a promise ring from a best friend of mine--Just to be friends
Hmmm...I bet it's from B-Rok...they are best friends right?
C:Do you cook?
N:I can cook. I can cook seafood--I love seafood. I also can cook Campbell's--it's a great helper when it comes to cooking. Put it in the pot and it's done...You'd think I was a chef--Chef Boyardee!
Stupid, stupid boy...

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