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The Temple of Ravage


Who is Ravage?

Ravage was one of the first Transformers characters. Not a Seeker, or a gun-Transformer, or a camera-Transformer, Ravage was one of Soundwave's cassettes. He had two forms--a cassette tape, and a black panther.

There's a matter of debate over whether Ravage is a panther, or a dog. I must admit, for the longest time I thought he was a dog. Certain images of Ravage have him looking quite...canine.

However, in the episode "ROLL FOR IT," Spike reacts to Ravage's attack with the words, "Ravage! Bad kitty!"

And any doubt fades away when you get a look at Beast Wars Ravage (see below).

I wish the G1 artists hadn't made Ravage look so canine, if he's supposed to be a panther. Regardless...Ravage rocks.

Ravage is a quiet individual...he has no humanoid form and therefore does not speak. He doesn't even make loud sounds, unlike Laserbeak who, Ravage's trademark noise is a low and vicious hiss. Yet this plays into Ravage's character...for Ravage is a stealth spy, a warrior whose greatest strength is his ability to melt into the shadows, sneak into Autobot bases, and then either strike without warning or return to Megatron with information, leaving no sign that he had ever been there.

Ravage carries two missiles, one on each hindquarter, which means that his lack of hands doesn't come anywhere near denying him of the ability to carry weapons. He also sports lovely sharp teeth.

Ravage is about the same height as Spike and is often sent to deal with pesky humans.

I think that what intrigued me most with this character was the fact that he was animal, not humanoid. He's got a beautiful sleek design. He manages to bring both ferocity and finesse to every mission he undertook. There was something about the image of Ravage leaping on some poor Autobot that always sent shivers down my spine.

Ravage is fortunate to survive the movie and continue...

Ravage in Comics

Ravage in Comics, both American and British versions, had a major difference from Ravage in the T.V. show.


As far as I know, this was the first instance (before Beast Wars) where Ravage was portrayed as having a voice of his own (rather than simply playing back information he had recorded in tape form). We can only guess whether he had a Russian accent back then :)

Ravage was depicted as being quite intelligent and made many timely comments. That intelligence was used in the service of the Decepticon leader, to whom his loyalty was unshakeable.

Ravage in Beast Wars

In THE AGENDA, parts 1, 2, and 3, Ravage has the honour of being one of the handful of G1 characters to appear in Beast Wars. But this is not the Ravage of the past...

By the time of the Beast Wars, a handful of Decepticons had been granted amnesty, and one of them was even rebuilt as a Predacon. This is the new Ravage...

and what a version he is!!! Ravage has been granted a robot form which retains the black-panther head familiar to G1 fans, rather than giving him a humanoid robot head. Surprisingly, he transforms not into a panther (I was waiting the entire show to see him in panther form) but into a cassette tape, just as in the original G1 shows...

Ravage is able, at last, to an AMAZING Russian accent that only enhances his sleek and sinister new look.

Ravage maintains his former stealth abilities. He can enter the Maximal base right before their eyes and yet they see nothing. He is also equipped with a magnificent stealth ship that is also able to cloak itself.

More coolness...Beast Wars Ravage transforms with the same transforming noise that all the G1 Transformers used.

May the Decepticon Aerial Fleet smite the lawyers for...Beast Wars Cassette Ravage pops into a music player aboard the ship and begins to play. The original script CALLS for Ravage's tape to start playing the original G1 Transformers theme music.

Wouldn't that have rocked? Beast Wars Megatron atop the stealth ship, prepared to attack the Maximal base, and the old "Transformers...more than meets the eye...Transformers...robots in disguise..." blaring out of the ship... Imagine this, or better yet, turn down the T.V. and hum the G1 theme at this point.


The only thing I regret is that the writers chose to kill Ravage. His disembodied head in "OPTIMAL SITUATION" was chilling, to say the least. Nevertheless, Ravage's appearance on BEAST WARS was one of the most memorable moments of the show.

In addition, since Ravage had to die...he made sure he died with STYLE!

Beast Wars Ravage illustrates his old allegiance by wearing the Predacon symbol on his left arm and the Decepticon symbol on his right arm. Furthermore, the screen saver on his ship's computer displays the Decepticon logo.

But most importantly, when the fireball is ripping through his ship, Ravage's last words display his innermost loyalty...


Below, you will find a collection of Ravage links. Enjoy this tribute to a proud Decepticon warrior!

Ravage's Links

Ravage Toys--Then and Now
Ravage on Television--Generation 1
Ravage in Beast Wars--Image Gallery
Ravage Speaks?! Plus Other Ravage Comics
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