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These Three little words, fill up so much space in our hearts..."I Love You" *smiles*

English...........I Love You
Spanish.......... Te Amo
French........... Je T'aime
German.......... Ich Liebe Dich
Japanese....... Ai Shite Imasu
Italian.......... Ti Amo
Chinese......... Wo Ai Ni
Swedish........ Jag Alskar Dig
Eskimo.......... Nagligivaget
Greek............ S'Agapo
Hawaiian....... Aloha Wau la Oe
Irish............. Thaim In Grabh Leat
Hebrew......... Ani Ohev Otakh
Russian........ Ya Lyublyu Tyebya
Albanian....... Une Te Dua
Finnish......... Mina Rakkastan Sinua
Turkish........ Seni Seviyorum
Hungarian...... Se Ret Lay
Persian....... Du Stet Daram
Maltese....... Jien Inhobbok
Catalan...... Testimo Molt

I will give you my heart...

Until the end of time...

Your all I need, My Love, My Valentine...

Happy Valentine's Day Baby
Updated Feb. 2003

My Valentine by Martina McBride

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