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This is the true plague of man

Mankind for over 2000 years now have been enslaved by the oppressor monkey Christians and their sandal-wearing bastard-child leader, Jesus Christ. As you all know, Jesus was a Jew who lived at the time of the destruction of the second temple. The word that has (through grave misconceptions) come to be associated with him, "messiah", has it's roots in the ancient Hebrew word meaning "lotion" or "oil". A messiah is simply anointed (with oil on the head) in order that he may take on a specific duty. This word in Hebrew was used t describe the lotion put on rulers to signify their authority - NOT to demonstrate divinity! "The anointed one" of God, whom Christians call the messiah, not only is called by a name inappropriate to what he stood for, and what they would like to believe he stood for, but is thus parodied and held more firmly in the light which his crucifiers cast upon him, for they are the only ones who called him Rex Iudeas - the "King of the Jews". As we all know, he was not a king, and not even liked by most Jews.

We need to standup against Jesus and blind-faithed Christians, who do not even understand the history of their own leader. Their cult ideals and unfounded morals control what we think, say, do, listen to, watch, and buy. Their biblical laws influence the way our country is run by affecting our government, media, and practically all aspects of our lives. They want you to join them and live THEIR lifestyle, because if it is not THEIR lifestyle then it is inferior, you are inferior. Yet why should we even consider the life that they condone, when their entire system of belief is rooted in a religion that is, by definition, a cult? Christianity is no more than a bastardization of Judaism, including an important aspect of hypocrisy: they by definition contradict their own first commandment. By worshipping a human they defy God's wish to be solely adored. In truth it is these mindless followers who are inferior both in logic and practicality with their herd mentality, their narrow-mindedness, their racism (I'll cover that in more depth later), and refusal to acknowledge the intelligence of humans. Christianity asks that you give credit to Jesus for your hard work and accomplishments. Mankind - not Jesus - cures diseases, develops technology, and makes this planet comfortable. So why do we give him the credit? That's the question you need to ask yourself. Don't deceive yourself into thinking Jesus gives the strength to do things. Not true. YOU have this power - it is not given to you by anyone. Stop putting hope in Jesus, and put it in your self. Start believing in yourself, not some 2000 year bastard-child that the ruling class of the Medieval feudal system invented to keep the working class in check. Stop following the ------ up(there is no better way to describe them) rules of the bible. After all this is our house in which we live, so we should make and live by the rules we create, not by the rules of some walking on water(what a bunch of ---- that is) mindwarper prick that was only here for some 30 years, and has been dead and gone for more than 500 times that long.

This is not a following, it's a movement. Followings are for insecure people who don't like themselves and need to fit in. This is a movement for people who want to be themselves and don't want to be told what to do by the oppressor Christian police state and their "what color is he today", rat-bastard leader Jesus. I'm not asking for money and never will. Christians have used that ploy forever to line their own pockets and that is not what this movement is about. I ask for your thoughts via E-mail. Both pro and con. If you're a Christian or Jesus-Lover, try to be civil because I've noticed that for people that are supposed to be slow to anger, forgiving and all that you are quick to insult without attempting to comprehend. Thank you for your time. More to come soon. By the way my name is Cire Aknow, remember it Christians because its the name that is going to bring a stop to the control you've had over mankind. If you don't like that, then all the Christians can get together and pray for Jesus to return and I will personally go head-to-head with him. It won't be pretty either because I don't care who he thinks he is.I've got the truth and not even the king of kings, lord of lords is above or more powerful than the truth.

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