Well... these are the oldest of the cousins but mind you...old with substance ok!
Here's Adol...very much single.Any takers out there?Hehehe...Anyway he's a man of few words...doesn't talk much but loves to sing.So whenever he is free,he'll be karaokeing.
Well well....look who's here...the wonderful Adi.The guy who is actually so proud to look way too young for his age.
And here comes the beauty......feeweet!!
We are quite mean to him sometimes,teasing him when he sings and so on...but he doesn't mind at all,in fact he display very few emotion except for the occasional snigger.Hmmm..maybe he's not a talker..but a thinker.
The thing about him is,he sure got a way with his words....sarcastic and sometimes even rude but he's the big brother of us all,somebody we can rely on.
And oh yah we all love senyumannya yang MANIS..really MANIS..he also like MANIS...i mean...his smile that is so MANIS..
Come on guys....stop staring.Her dude's fuming man.
Yup, this gorgeous babe is married...and she have two kids already.Hehe...there goes your chance guys.
Looking at her figure nobody would have guessed she lurves to eat..yup i tell you she can REALLY eat and guess what...she doesn't even gain a pound.I swear!Really...i'm not kidding.