Thank you for visiting our new unofficial website. Although very basic at the moment, we aim to expand as time goes on. You will see our schedule for each month, along with an explanation as to what each meeting is about. If you would like further information about Nam myoho renge kyo, the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, Soka Gakkai International, and how you begin to practice in your local area - then please e-mail me at Thank you. Robert Brown
SGI-UK Heart of Southwark Chapter
Buddhism for All
Camberwell District Schedule
Burgess Park District Schedule
Peckham Rye District Schedule
East Dulwich District Schedule
Description of meetings
SGI-UK (unofficial webpage)
SGI-UK Bath and Bristol HQ
SGI-UK East Kent
SGI-UK East Midlands HQ
SGI-UK Great Northern
SGI-UK Guernsey
SGI-UK North of Ireland
SGI-UK West Sussex HQ
Lighten Up - magazine produced by SGI-UK members in SE London
Peace Proposals
Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin and other titles
The Soka Gakkai Worldwide Family
Soka Gakkai webpage
Soka Gakkai International Public Information Site
SGI Worldwide Centres
SGI Australia
SGI Austria
SGI Brasil
SGI Canada
SG Denmark
SG France
SGI Germany
SGI Ghana
SGI Iceland
SGI Italy
SGI Korea
SGI Netherlands
SGI Malaysia
SGI Philippines
SGI Singapore
Southern Africa - incorporating SGI organisations in Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa
SGI Sweden
SGI-USA Chicago
SGI Venezuela
SGI Yugoslavia