Descriptions of meetings
Meetings held
- Absolute Freedom Group - members of SGI-UK who wish to intoduce the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin to the les/bi/gay/trans community
- Basics of Buddhism - come and learn more about the basics of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism
- Chapter Chat - a chance to talk to the rest of the chapter about almost anything
- Chapter Study - taken from the monthly magazine, a chance to study the writings
- Discussion Meeting - meet other people who practice the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin in your area and find out how they use Buddhism in their lives
- Discussion Planning - a chance to share in the creation of YOUR discussion meeting - what do YOU want to talk about?
- Kosen Rufu Gongyo - begin the month by chanting for peace in your life, your community and the whole world
- Peace Daimoku - chant specifically for peace within the UK, Northern Ireland and South Africa - as well as the rest of the world
- Slow Gongyo - a chance to learn Gongyo (the recitation of two chapters of the Lotus Sutra) and to ask questions
- TOZO - do lots of daimoku (chanting) for a specific challenge
For further information about Nam myoho renge kyo and the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, please e-mail me
Thank you.