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Message for you: If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you won't. Success begins with your own will... It's all in your state of mind. Life's battles are not always won By those who are stronger or faster; Sooner or later the person who wins Is the person who thinks he can.


Aries the Ram March 21-April 19 As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries represents beginnings of all kinds. Aries people like to be first, and are often in a hurry. They have a natural tendency to be assertive and single-minded. In a negative situation, this can lead to stubborn aggression, but when channelled positively, the Aries personality exhibits leadership and creative accomplishments. Endurance and confidence make it possible for Aries to achieve things that might seem impossible to other people. Aries people usually know what they want, and are rarely shy about making their needs known. They do not like to lose an argument, and may have to practice very hard to learn the art of compromise. Fair in their opinions, they make good friends because of their honesty and reliability. Aries will never desert a friend in need. "Pioneer" is a key word often used for Aries. This inventive soul has the courage to try new things, and the optimism to believe in ultimate success. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Taurus the Bull April 20-May 20 People born under the sign of Taurus generally make good partners and companions. They are willing to share both the good and the bad in any relationship, and are good at taking responsibility rather than leaving everything for someone else to do. The Taurus personality is typically straightforward and assertive, qualities that make it possible to accomplish a great deal and still have the time and energy to thoroughly enjoy the leisure hours. For the most part, other people are positively influenced by the Taurus character, which can serve as an encouragement to be tenacious about the issues that matter most in life. The Taurus man or woman can often be identified by clearly defined facial features and a dynamic personality. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, symbolizing romantic love and artistic pursuits. These qualities reflect the fun- loving side of the Taurus character and provide an excellent balance for its more pragmatic qualities. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Virgo the Virgin August 23-September 22 is often associated with a drive for perfection. You are willing to spend as much time as is needed to do a job correctly, and you will naturally expect the same kind of thoroughness from those who work with you. Your willingness to refine all the significant details that others may overlook is one of the keys to your success. You are known for delivering what you promise, and you can generally be counted on to get things right the first time. People know that they can count on you, and this means that your services will be in demand for the most important projects and complicated undertakings. The Virgo character is considered one of the more pragmatic signs in the zodiac. Certainly, a Virgo can enjoy a good time as much as anyone else. But you probably feel more comfortable when you can balance the merely recreational with that which is also practical. The less dedicated souls around you may sometimes urge you to "lighten up", but in the long run most folks appreciate your knack for getting things done without making a big fuss about it. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Scorpio the Scorpion October 24-November 21 is known for its intensity and personal magnetism. Members of this sign have tremendous inner strength, which when properly developed, gives them great power to turn negative situations into positive outcomes, and to rechannel destructive energy into constructive purposes. There may be times when you feel that you must constantly struggle with difficult situations. Yet this ability to turn adversity into fortune strengthens you each time, and as you continue through life you grow stronger and more skilled, with ever-increasing confidence. Scorpio is often compared to the Phoenix, a mythical bird which was reborn from its own ashes, more powerful and beautiful than ever before. Scorpios are usually inspiring and dynamic. Through intelligence, determination and a persuasive personality, they can often be found in positions of leadership or influence. Well-liked and admired, Scorpios are generally identified by forceful yet graceful body movements and an intense, honest gaze. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Sagittarius the Archer November 22-December 21 Famous Sagittarian personalities include Winston Churchill, who wrote, "It is better to be making the news than taking it; to be an actor rather than a critic." This seems to sum up at least one important aspect of the Sagittarian character, which is the desire to be constantly active and involved in life. People born under this sign often like to travel, to change jobs fairly often, or to take up different interests at different times and then drop them in favor of something else. This should not be seen as frivolity or inconsistency, but rather as a sign of tremendous vitality and a mind which has the ability to encompass many concerns. When a Sagittarian discovers a matter of significance, he or she is quite willing and able to pour all the necessary attention and energy into it. Sagittarians are known for vivacity, a zestful spirit, and a seemingly tireless energy which enables them to accomplish many great things. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Capricorn the Goat December 22-January 19 When you find that you are smarter or more knowledgeable than those around you, you are also too clever to be arrogant about it. The Capricorn personality succeeds best through steady perseverance. Capricorn is symbolized by the goat, an animal sometimes considered stubborn, but one with great endurance. A mountain goat may not be able to go straight to the top, but must carefully find its way around boulders and along steep paths until it reaches the peak. So, too, the Capricorn personality does not always achieve immediate gratification, but will triumph in the long run. The Capricorn personality may sometimes be a little too practical. Don't let yourself become so serious that you forget to have your fair share of fun in life. People who know you well will come to admire your wisdom, and to place a high value on your advice. Most Capricorns make good friends because of their discretion. They don't force themselves into situation where they aren't wanted -- but they are usually wanted! (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Cancer the Crab June 22-July 22 personality is usually deeply concerned with matters relating to home and family. This does not mean that you cannot succeed in a business career, and it certainly does not exclude your artistic talents -- but usually you will find yourself making the welfare of your loved ones your top priority. Since you take so much responsibility for their immediate physical and emotional well-being, there can be times when you need help with the more external concerns of business and finance. People born under the sign of Cancer are usually intuitive and nurturing. They generally know what they want from life, and are not readily discouraged by temporary setbacks. People who come in contact with the Cancerian personality are usually impressed by its many strengths, and the seriousness with which such a person builds important values in life. Cancerian men and women can often be recognized by their physical agility and mature outlook on life. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Gemini the Twins May 21-June 21 has so many talents and interests, sometimes you may find that your attention gets split between too many things at once. It's just so easy for to start doing something, then get distracted by something else that seems equally as fascinating. Yet this diversity will also be the root of your success, for you have the ability to accomplish much more than the average person, often in a relatively short time. You're able to keep track of a wide range of information that would confuse a lesser person. Rather than causing undue stress, the many demands on your time and attention actually seem to increase your energy and motivation. Famous Gemini personalities include the poet Walt Whitman, who summed up a significant aspect of the Gemini character when he wrote, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. (I am large, I contain multitudes.)" Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini celebrates not just the duality, but the multiplicity of human nature. Gemini recognizes the complexity of life, and is open to the abundance of possibilities that exist in a single moment. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Leo the Lion July 23-August 22 is characterized by the lion, a symbol of pride, dignity, and nobility. Perhaps more than some other personality types, Leos can be deeply wounded by an insult or personal slight, yet their generosity and good nature can make them very forgiving. Traditionally, the Leo personality is famous for its magnificent charm. Most Leos have a persuasive smile that can get them just about anything they want. They like to take good care of their physical appearance, and usually have an animal magnetism that gets attention wherever they go. But Leo doesn't rely on charisma alone. There is a lot of creativity and strength in this sign. Natural leaders, Leos are sometimes accused of being arrogant or stubborn, but in fact it is their confidence and persistence that produce success. Even when things don't go as planned, Leo's inborn grace may save the situation. Appealing in social situations, as a friend, Leo can be counted on to brighten anyone's day. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Libra the Balance September 23-October 23 people are committed to the principles of fairness and equality. Thus, you may often find yourself in the position of arbitrator, asked to render opinions and advise others on a wide variety of issues. You are able to express yourself with a quiet charm that makes people more inclined to agree with you. People recognize and admire your balanced approach to life. You seek harmony in your environment, and as a result you probably have a well-developed aesthetic sense, which you try to apply to your surroundings both at home and at work. On a deeper level, you also seek harmony and balance within yourself. For most Librans, this is best achieved with the help of a loving partner, a life mate who can help them discover their own inner beauty. As a friend, you get along best with people who share your appreciation for the finer things in life. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Pisces the Fishes February 19-March 20 The typical Pisces personality is often less interested in practical, everyday matters, than with the emotional or spiritual side of life. This can work to your advantage even when you must focus on business or financial subjects, because your insight into people makes it possible to approach these matters in ways that make others feel comfortable with you. Many people born under this sign have artistic and creative talents. If your career is not directly related to the arts, you can achieve much fulfillment if your work allows some room for creative expression. Even without such opportunities on the job, your inventiveness will be expressed in your daily life and reveal itself in the way you dress or decorate your home and the kinds of leisure activities you enjoy. Most Pisceans have a natural talent for understanding the emotional makeup of other human beings. To others, your gift of insight into their motivations may seem like magic, but it is simply the product of your own sensitivity and intuition. (scroll down to view your daily horoscope)


Aquarius the Water Bearer January 20-February 18 is ruled by the planet Uranus, a symbol of progress. You have a talent for anticipating future trends, and you adapt well to new technology. Your inventive mind gives you the potential to rise quickly to a position of successful leadership. Changes in behavior and policy generally do not upset you very much, because you are so adaptable. Your flexibility makes it possible for you to accept new requirements and to move forward where others may falter. Traditionally, Aquarians love dreams and fantasy. Overly pragmatic types may sometimes accuse you of not knowing the difference between fact and fiction, but this is not true. You will be better understood by other creative people and by those who appreciate your inventive sense of humor. Aquarians make good friends because they rarely judge anyone harshly, and because they are excellent at keeping secrets. You will get along best with people who respect your need for privacy.

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