[..Cut to the back as Mike Bell can be seen entering the building, out of no someone dressed head to toe in black leather's appears with his back to the camera, his face hidden by his long tangled dark brown curly hair which drapes down over his eyes and covers this mysterious individuals face. Bell who seemingly has a much better view, seems astonished and shocked as he momentarily freezes to the spot. The mysterious person in black leathers slowly begins to move towards Bell ... the Natural looks around for a way out ... dead end ... there is no way to go but forward. Bell grimaces as he plucks up the courage ... he drops his bag's and charges towards the individual infront of him..]

BJ: Mike Bell and the mysterious person are exchanging lefts and rights, Bell gets the upper hand and pushes the man in black into the corridor wall. He is hammering away at his head in furious fashion!

AJ: Bell is like a rabid dog! He's an animal, he must know who this man in black is!

BJ: And he doesn't like him one bit by the looks of things! The man in black is fighting back now! He is rocking the head of Mike Bell back with some stiff lefts and rights! Bell is unstable ... elbow uppercut to the nose and Bell fall's like a tone of bricks!

AJ: He's busted his nose wide open! Blood is everywhere, it's splattered on the corridor walls. I think Mike Bell's nose has just been broken, smashed.

BJ: Bell is trying to re-gain his composure as this mystery assailant is collecting various objects from a wooden box on the corridor floor. He's got brass pipes, spanner's, oh no he just clocked Bell over the head with a spanner.

AJ: The former NWA World Champion is out. He looks to be unconscious, great stuff!

BJ: What in the name of.. The man in black has just scattered what looks like a thousand nails onto the floor. Don't say he's going to use them? The man in black picks up Bell and has him set for what looks like a vertical suplex. He lifts him upside down into the air ... wait he twist's underneath him as he let's Bell fall .... he lands face down across the man in black's shoulders. STANDING FRONT SOMERSAULT ... Bell is hammered down into the canvas while the man in black crashes down on top of him!!!

AJ: Wow, what a move! Bell has just been rammed into the dirty, rusty nails!

BJ: Oh my god! Hundreds of nails are protruding into Mike Bell's flesh! This is sick! I haven't seen that move this side of the atlantic before ... that was a roller-coaster suplex onto a bed of nails!

AJ: Here come the officials!

[..The officials attend a badly injured Mike Bell..]

BJ: The man in black has gone! He's no-where to be seen, but he's left Bell lying in a pool of his own blood. That was truly sick. I believe this guy in black may very well be the person who terrified Bell after his match last week on Rage with Hunter Simms with comments about Bell's family over the PA. That was sick!

AJ: I loved it.

BJ: It was sick! Let's hope Bell's condition is worse than it looks, we have to take a commercial.

{Commercial Break}


(A loud and sudden explosion is heard over the PA and echo's throughout the arena)

{The lights dim to a green haze. The previously boistrous crowd are brought to a standstill and hush to create an atmosphere of anticipation}

{(The unmistakeable sounds of druid's chanting fill the arena as a loud distinctive sadistic laugh is heard. Mike Bell preparing to exit the ring, stops dead in his tracks as red laser lights flicker around the arena hosting BWA Cajun RAGE LIVE)

{(A voice begins to speak out over the soundspeakers ... speaking in a rough diabolical tone)

#So ... Natural One! I guess you thought you was getting your life back together didn't you?#

#A new start .... a reconcilation with your estranged {laughs} wife in the making#

#You thought you had seen the last of you, and {sadistic laugh} your wife's worst nightmare?#

#You thought {Voice getting angry} THIS WAS OVER???#

#You thought that I was DEAD AND BURIED ... ???#

#You should know who I am. You might not want to believe it, believe it is a hoax if that will help you sleep at night. But rest assured ... your nightmare ... your family's nightmares aren't over ... THEY ARE JUST BEGINING!!!#

{A loud final sick cackle of a laugh is heard before the arena lights turn back to normal. An errie feeling fills the arena ... the hairs stand up on people's arms as they wonder openly which nemesis from Bell's past just threatened former Two Time NeWA World Champion}

{The camera focuses in on Mike Bell who looks as if he's just seen a ghost from the past. He is as white as a sheet ... Bell is seen shaking his head, trying to disbelieve what just transpired}