Free Agent

What is a Free Agent?

A free agent is a wrestler who has no E-Fed and is looking to join one. The one thing you learn in E-Wrestling is that no matter how good an E-Fed is it will eventually close down. That means that you will at one point or another become a free agent. This is usually the best time to shop around and participate in other types of E-Feds. You might even try a Tournament or two, they are a good addition to your career highlights.

Here's a little free never hurts to advertise! Here is a good place to start, the newsgroup this is where most of the heavy hitters in E-Wrestling hang out.

Finally this is the time when you might want to evaluate your ewrestling career and how successful you have been or not. If you have been extremely successful, just slight adjustments to your character may be made here to futher evolve your character. However if you have been met with mixed-success maybe you should consider turning your character. By this I mean if you have played out your character as a face and he doesn't seem to be getting over, maybe it is time to turn into a heel or visa-versa. Likewise, maybe you are getting bored with your present character or want to further develop your roleplaying skills by creating a totally different character altogether. Experiment and you just might stumble upon that winning combination! After all think about all the wrestlers who have changed persona over the years and gone from being a total jobber to a top notch superstar. Avatar, Shinobie, Leif Cassidy...aka Al Snow and Oz, Master Blaster, Vinnie Vegas aka Diesel/Kevin Nash are prime examples of this!!!

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