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Quotes and Proverbs
all about Love

The following proverbs, sayings and quotes
have one thing in common, they touched me...
And I hope they will touch you too... *soft smile*

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet - Plato

Don't smother each other. No one can grow in shade - Leo F. Buscaglia

The heart that loves is always young - Greek proverb

The more you judge, the less you love - Honore de Balzac

Love, you know, seeks to make happy rather than to be happy - Ralph Connor

Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one - Japanese proverb

Who ever loved, that loved not at first sight? - Christopher Marlowe

The love we give away is the only love we keep - unknown

When you love someone, all your saved up wishes start coming out - Elisabeth Bowen

Love is like the measles, we all have to go through it - Jerome K. Jerome

There are more people who wish to be loved than there are who are willing to love - unknown

Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee - John Gay

If you want to be loved, be lovable - Ovid

A life without love in it is like a heap of ashes upon a deserted hearth - with the fire dead, the laughter stilled, and the light extinguished - Frank P. Tebbetts

To love is to find pleasure in the happiness of the person loved - Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz

Take away love, and our earth is a tomb - Robert Browning

Whither thou goest, I will go. And where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God - Ruth, 1:16

Paradise was made for tender hearts, hell for loveless hearts - Voltaire

Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away - unknown

He that hath love in his breast hath spurs in his sides - unknown

To witness two lovers is a spectacle for the gods - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all - Lord Tennyson

The mind has a thousand eyes, and the heart but one. Yet the light of a whole life dies when love is done - Francis William Bourdillon

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