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Ceridwen's Poetry

Please do not take any of these poems, they are my own and
protected by copyright. If you'd like to use one, please contact me.
Thank you.


The first time we met,
my heart high in my throat
beating like a drum.
When you smiled at me,
this very first time,
your eyes diving deep into mine,
I was lost.

When I felt your arms around me,
pulling me close,
it felt so right!
When I felt your breath on my skin,
and your voice in my ear,
you made my knees go weak.

The first time I felt your lips,
burning mine with their searching touch,
you made me tremble inside.

It was then that I knew,
we belong together,
as the moon belongs to the night,
the sun to the day,
the fish to the water,
the bird to the sky.

When you kissed me,
for the very first time,
your mouth claiming mine,
my soul reached out for yours
and they touched
and danced.

They will dance together,
as long as there will be stars in the sky,
our souls entwined forever
since the first time we met.

© Ceridwen, 2000


My thoughts fly like the wind
on silken invisible wings
to be near you
with you

They say they are feeling lonely
to be here with me,
they follow your call
drawn by your gentle ways

They say this is home
the place where they long to be
homesick for so long
homesick no more...

I try to call them back
They say they can not come
your eyes burned their wings
unable to fly
they will stay
with you

© Ceridwen, 2000


Across the endless sea of time
Your love reached out to me
To hold and lead me, let me feel
Its loving touch so tenderly

I know not what tomorrow brings
Yet will I never fear
Because for better or for worse
I know Your love is here

Across the endless sea of time
Your love reached out to me
And I am Yours with all my heart
For all eternity

© Ceridwen, 2000

or "The Ballade of Broken Dreams"

"Will you capture our dreams
and fly with me as Eagles fly?
Or will you be the Robin,
afraid of the wide open sky?
Will you be my love
proudly flying by my side,
Will you be my Eagle bride?"

This he asked her one day
with love in his voice,
and she answered, "My love,
there only is one choice!
Let us spread our wings
and conquer the sky,
soar to heights unknown
as Eagles, you and I"

A song of love in their hearts
leaving fog and mist behind
flying higher and higher,
one soul and one mind,
their hearts beating as one,
on a journey together
that had just begun

Her heart swelled with joy and love
as their mighty wings parted the air,
her eyes drunk with the site of him,
two Eagles high above.
Two Eagles had become one
for now and for ever
on this beautiful journey
that had just begun.

And higher and higher
they soared in their flight,
so high that the sun
was trying to blind their sight,
so high that the wind
tried to rip their wings apart,
But she only laughed,
there was no fear in her heart

when she heard his voice, so quiet yet stern,
"My love, I am sorry, but I must return.
Must return to the safety of the ground,
for the sky I know now I was not bound.
The sun is trying to blind my eyes,
the wind is ripping my wings apart,
I know now I am not made for the skies,
all I can feel is the fear in my heart.

I am not strong enough to fly with you,
goodbye my love, forgive me, don't cry,
I am no Eagle .... but I still love you...
yet never shall I return
to you and the sky."

Numb with pain she watched him leave,
her voice silenced by agony,
her whole being filled with grief.
Pain like flaming swords
tearing her soul apart,
ice cold fingers of betrayal
digging deep into her heart.
Her faith in him, her hopes, her trust
in a single moment
all shattered
and crumbled to dust.

He did not hear her desperate cry
rolling like thunder across the sky.
He did not see her eyes gone dim
the tears on her cheeks,
the blood from her heart,
he was already gone .... and she was alone ....

Filled with pain and without hope
she spread her mighty wings and flew high,
a lonely Eagle high up in the sky...

And the sun kissed the tears from her eyes
while the wind gently caressed her cheeks

But the sun could not dry the tears in her soul

And the wind could not heal her broken heart

© Ceridwen, 2000

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