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Gabriel wrapped the jacket more closely to his body and stared up into the sky.

“They said they would be landing within the hour sir.”

Gabriel nodded his head. “Yes, here they come.”

Out of the sky, down from the clouds emerged a plain silver and white space transporter. The vehical hovered in the wind for a while until it landed neatly on the raised stone platform of the casltes top.

Gabriel took a deep breath and prepared to meet his cousin Asher.

Asher came down the steps, dressed in a long flowing white coat with the traditional family blue outfit underneath. His silver hair was braided and clasped with a silver broach.

He came up and nodded his head to Gabriel.

Gabriel did the same thing. “You look well Cousin.”

“Is the girl here yet?” Asher asked, looking over his shoulder.

Gabriel frowned. “Yes. She arriver two days ago.”

“Good, I want to get this over as soon as possible and return to Agean.”

Asher turned and walked to the entrence.

Gabriel followed behind, "You would not wish to see her right away would you cousin?"

Asher turned and crossed his arms. "Of course I would...oh and prepare the entire party to leave within the next 48 hours."

Gabriel eyes widened. "You are leaving so soon?"

Asher turned. "Come cousin, I must discuse the latest crisis with you in detail."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed. He saw Asher had not changed at all in the past twenty years. Still as arrogent and full of his own importance as the head of the family house hold.


Emily was brushing her hair when suddenly the door to her room bursed open.

A tall silver haired Agean stormed into the room followed by Gabriel.

Gabriel shook his head as Emily opened her mouth to ask what the heck was going on.

"Emily I asume."

Emily nodded her head.

"My name is Asher, I am the head of the Org-Agean family."

Emily nodded her head. "So? Does that give you the right to storm into my room unannouced?"

Behind the other Agean, Gabriel rolled his eyes.

Emily ignored him.

Asher's chin went higher. "I do not care about your simple needs human. The sooner the union is performed and you are my wife, the quicker I can return to my duties."

Emily dropped her brush to the floor. "What?!"

Gabriel put a hand on Asher's arm. "I hadn't had the chance to describe you to her."

Asher nodded his head. He walked over to her and cupped her chin.

"You look like a determined mind, I like that. As long as you obey our ways and my rules, we will get along excellently. Now, prepare yourself for the journey home."

Emily sputtred. "What?! I'm not going anywhere! Especially no where off my own PLANET!!"

Asher turned his back on her and nodded to Gabriel. "Have her and all her possetions ready for the journey home."

Asher turnd back to her.

Emily shook her head. "I am NOT becoming your wife."

Asher shrugged his shoulders, his wide wings moving. "You do not have a choice in the matter. The fates of the union have made it all so. Gabriel, I will see you in my chambers in half an hour. Emily."

The cold voiced Agean left the room.

In the silence that followed, Emily numbly sat on the bed. "I don't understand."

Gabriel still stood by the doorway. "I told you yesterday Emily, Asher is to be what you would call your husband. You are to bear him a child, an heir to the Agean royal family."

"You two look alike." notted Emily.

She watched Gabriel's eyes closely, and saw them flicker with some hidden emotion.

"You are correct. Asher and I are cousins."

"Who excatlly are Asher and you on your world?"

Gabriel sighed, running a hand along his feathers. "Asher is the High King of Agean. I am his fathers newphew and therefore a High Prince of Agean."

Emily nodded her head. "What does that make me?"

Gabirle shook his head."You are now engaged to the High King of Agean, you have been given the title of Lady Emily D'Agean."

Emily shook her head. "This is too fast! I can't...I just can't!"

Gabriel watched her with sympathetic eyes, she hated that. And she hated the way her voice was sounding weak...but she was so tired of all of this.

Gabriel whispeared something to her, but Emily didn't hear. She didn't realise that Gabriel left until she heard the sound of the door clicking and the lock turning.


Gabriel leaned against the cold stone wall. He closed his eyes and took some calming deep breaths.

Emily was right, everything was happening too fast, the union, the journey, his feelings towards Emily.

He finally admited that no matter how much he hid it, he cared for Emily.


Gabriel opened his eyes and saw Asher waiting down the hallway.


"Please, come in. We have much to speak about."

Gabriel walked down and into the chambers. Asher motioned him to a seat before the fire place. Gabriel took it's opposit.

"What is this crisis you spoke of?"

Asher rested his fingers on the arm chair and took a deep breath. "Our...sister has returned."

Gabriel blinked. "Aurora?"

Asher nodded his head. "The spies report that she is in hidding, most likely still with that rebell Kiboshi."

Gabriel leaned back in the chair. "Do you belive she will reveal all she knows this time."

"I do not see what it could serve. We have lived for sixty years as only cousins. The union preceds over everything else...if it were revealed to the public, the truth of your birth Gabriel. I do not think it would effect the union."

"I hear a but."

Asher nodded his head. " is still risky. It might be best for you to remain here. The union will continue on back home."

"Without me?"

Asher nodded his head.

Gabriel stood up, "I understand the risk, but I think it would be better served if I still acompany you and Emily back to Agean."

Asher stood up and frowned. "I sensed something between the two of you...what has happened?"

"Nothing Asher. Emily, I am protective of her, as her gauridan."

Asher laughed. "Oh no...older brother. Tell me you have not fallen for that human?"

Gabriel frowned, standing at full high. "I have NOT fallen for anyone."

Asher hid his laughter behind his hand. "You must realize that if you could reveal your true birth. Take your rightfull place and have Emily if you so wished."

Gabriel shrugged his shoulders. "I still do not want the responsibility of state."

Asher shrugged his shoulders, immitating his brother. "I still do not want to marry this human to form the union but I must."

Gabriel shook his head. "I am decided. I will go to Agean with you...and lead the attack against Aurora."

Asher turned around, his mouth open. "Attack?"

Gabriel turned and looked out the window, the rugged hills stood stark against the grey clouds.

"Aurora was warned never to enter Agean territory again. I warned her, you warned her...our late father warned her."

Asher's voice was small. "You're serious."

Gabirel turned. "I know you are close to your twin sister Asher. But Aurora...well...we both know she is mad."

Asher's spine straightened, his wings stood taller. "You don't have to be insulting 'cousin'. I know Aurora is don't have to remind me."

Gabriel held out a hand. "Agree with me 'cousin', death to Aurora, you in the union with Emily and I am left to my own life."

Asher shook his brothers hand. "Agreed."
