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Emily waited beside Gabriel as the last of the lugage was placed onto the space ship.

She probably would have been more amazed and worried about the situation, except that the funny red liquid thingie they had forced her to take was making her head a little dizzy.


Emily turned and for the first time gave a doppy smile.


The blond girl bounded down the stairs and threw her arms around Emily. "Wait. What's wrong with you? Gabriel?"

Emily laughed and taking Lixer's arm she twirlled around and around.

Both girls stopped when they saw Gabriel's disapproving stare.

Lixer pulled Emily to the side of the waiting line. "So...did you meet him?"

Emily's mind felt fluffy. "Hmm? What?"

"Asher is the ruler of Agean. He has a lot of responsibilities." Lixer continued.

Emily had lost track of reality. "Yup yup."

Lixer said something sharply to Gabriel, but Emily was so bussy watching the clouds making funny shapes she didn't notice. "It's a fifty three hour or so flight. Really not that long at all."

Lixer pulled her hat down further on her head. It was a funny bright green colour. She smiled and stuck her tounge out at Emily. "Don't laugh...this is the most chic colour on Agean right now."

Emily would have laughed, but at that exact moment the drug Gabriel had given her really kicked in. Her legs went out and Emily felt straight asleep.


Gabriel got up from the desk beside Asher.

Asher didn't look up from the control pad he was reading. "Going to check on her again?"

Gabriel sighed. "Yes."

Asher smiled, setting the control pad down and leaned back in the chair. "Oh you've got it bad 'cousin'."

Gabriel shook his head. "Emily isn't used to space travle..."

Asher stood up. "Well..since I am her future husband, perhaps I should be the one to check on her."

Gabriel frowned at Asher retreating back. He just knew his brother was having too much fun with this situation.

Gabriel sat down at the desk again.

They'd been traveling for seventeen hours now, it had given Asher and him a chance to catch up on affairs of state in Agean.

Gabriel was pleased with the policies his brother had come up with in his abcense from Agean.

His mind drifted back to Emily. She was a subject that was constantly entering this thoughs. He couldn't understand why it was such a demanding though.

It could be that sub-conciously he was jealous of Asher, and that he wanted to take back from Asher his true birth right. That would explain why he would want Emily...wouldn't it?

Gabirel threw the memo he'd been reading onto the table. "Damn."

"Who's managed to ruffle your feathers Lord Gabriel?"

Gabriel turned and groaned. "What are you doing here Lixer...what did your brother tell you?"

Lixer walked into the study, hands clasped behind her back. "Daniel is my step-brother. And he told me, the wise all knowing being that he is, not to interfeer with anyones work. don't seem to be having any luck with your work."

Gabirle shuffled a few papers together in an atempt to look bussy.

"You like her a lot don't you?"

Gabriel slammed the papers back on the desk. "For Agean sake! Does EVERYONE know about my feelings?"

Lixer smiled. "No. Just Asher and I, we've known you longer then anyone else Gabby. We can tell."

Gabriel nodded his head. "So?"

Lixer fingered a strand of her long blond hair. "So...I was wondering when you were going to tell Emily the truth."

Gabriel was getting annoyed, his eyes turned to slits. "Truth about what?"

"That you are the true King of Agean and that you are the one destined to be in the union with Emily."

Gabriel shook his head. "No. Never."

"I...don't understand you Gabriel. You obviously care for Emily...but I guess, just not enough to give up your freedom? Is that it?"

Gabriel shook his head. He was saved from answering when Asher walked back into the room.

"She's fallen back under the drug sleep again."

Asher paused looking from Lixer to Gabriel. "What?"

Lixer shook her head. "Nothing. I was just trying to convince Gabriel here to overthrowe you, kidnappe Emily and declare himself King of Agean."

"Oh were you?" Asher asked.

Lixer turned and headed out of the room.

"I thought Daniel told you not to interfeer with anything Lixer." Asher stated.

Lixer turned and shrugged her shoulders. "As long as you two boys keep screwing your lives up, I'll always have to be involved."

Asher shook his head when Lixer was gone out the door. "I wonder what she meant by that. My life is in perfect order."

Gabriel laughed for the first time in a long time. "A perfect life dear 'cousin'? You are marrying a girl you do not want, you rule a country that official is not yours and you have a mad twin sister. Yes...quite right a perfect life."

Asher turned flashing eyes on Gabriel. "Mind your manners 'cousin'."

"What will you do 'cousin'?"

The two Ageans stood on either side of the desk wings quivering with hostilite.


Emily dragged herself from the sticky remenence of the druged sleep and opened her eyes. "What was that?"

Lixer turned the page in the book she was reading. "Don't worry Emily. It's nothing to worry about...Asher and Gabriel are just having a little work out."

Emily snuggled further down in her chair. "Hmm. Sounds like they're trying to kill each other."

"Attempting to kill each other...there is a difference."

Emily's eyes were closing again when sudenly the door at the end of the hallway shook as someone was thrown into it. "Shouldn't some one stop them?"

Lixer looked up from her book. "Hmm...not just yet."

Just then the door burst open and Asher came tumbeling through the corridor landing not too far from Emily's feet.

Emily's eyes dropped again and she fell asleep.

"That's what I'll do 'cousin'!" Gabriel shouted and then slammed the other cabin's door shut.

Asher stood up brushing off his gown. "Gabriel can be a royal pain some times."

Asher walked back down the hallway and into the door.

One of the gaurds turned to Lixer. "I wonder what brought that on between Lord Gabriel and Lord Asher?"

Lixer turned and smiled up at the other Agean. "Who said it was done with?"

Just then someone hollored and the sounds of combat started all over again.