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Emily pressed herself against the plane seat. The drug that they'd given her had long worn off, and again she was well aware of what was going on around her.

They had landed on Agean less then an hour ago. Emily still hadn't gotten up from her seat. She didn't want to. The cabin at opossit her's opened and Asher steped forward.

"Welcome to Agean Emily." he said to her.

Emily's hand dug so hard into the arm rests that her hands were turning very white. "Take me HOME!"

Asher sighed. "Do you want us to have to medicate you again?"

Emily's head snapped arond. "No!"

"Then stop acting like a child, and get out of that chair!" Asher narly yelled.

Gabriel appeared behind him. "What's all this..."

Emily's eyes held Gabriel. "I am NOT getting off this ship, until it has landed BACK on earth!"

Gabriel folded his arms over his chest. "Alright. You have two choices Emily. One; you can walk out of her on your own two feet. Two; you will be drugged and carried out of the plan. Your choice."

Emily remained silent. She stared ahead of her.

Asher snorted. "Stupid girl."

She'd had enough.

Emily launched herself out of the chair, hands turned into claws she went stright for Asher's wings.

Asher roared as Emily managed to get a handfull of feathers and tore with all her might.

Gabriel pulled Emily off of Asher, lifting her high off the ground.

Asher turned to them both, his face red with rage. He looked down and saw a handful of his feathers on the ground.

"I'm going to kill you!" yelled Asher.

Gabriel placed Emily behind him.

"Asher!" he warned, holding one hand out. "Dont'!"

Asher's fist clenched and unclenched, his wings quivering with anger.

"If she isn't off this ship in seconds! I'll have her drugged for the rest of her LIFE!"

Asher turned and left the ship.

Gabriel grabbed Emily and whipped her out in front of him. "Are you deranged?!"

Emily's face was set in angry lines. She yanked her arms out of Gabriel's hands. "Don't touch me!"

"Asher is not someone you should anger Emily. He will be your husband soon! He will be your only contact on this planet. Why do you continue to fight us?"

Emily laughed. "Oh come on! Think about would you feel if someone took you from all the things you knew. Stole you from your family, and told you you had to marry a complete stranger. I'm not acting any more different then a normal angry human would!"

Gabriel sighed, he rubbed his forhead. "Emily. You are making things more complicated then they half to be."

Emily shook her head. "Let me go home!"

Gabriel looked like he wanted yell at her some more.

"Sir?" a young Agean asked from the cabin's door. "Lord Asher said you wanted the medication again."

Gabriel turned to Emily. "Do I?"

Emily thought about it, then said; "I hate you all."

She sat back down in the chair, her arms crossed.

Gabriel sighed again and nodded his head to the boy.

Emily gritted her teeth as Gabriel prepared the needle. "This really shouldn't be necessary Emily."

Emily cringed when she saw the needle with the red liquid in it. "Just do it already!"

"I know what you are trying to do Emily. You're trying to escape from this by using the medication. But this is reality you can't escape the truth."

"I think of this all as an elaborate lie."

Gabriel pushed the needle into her kneck.


Gabriel walked into the royal camber and laid Emily down on the bed. She was peacful in her drug enduced sleep, unaware of the real world around her.

Gabriel pushed back a thick chestnut curl from her cheek.

"I can't." Gabriel whispeared.

Asher's voice surprised Gabriel. "Can't what, cousin?"

Gabriel finished pulling the covers over Emily. "I can't bear to watch myself be involved in this anymore."

Asher was genuienly surprise. "You're backing out?"

"No." Gabriel said. Even though he knew Emily was drugged and not able to hear a world, he was still uncomfortable talking with her in the room.

"I've decided to leave."

"You are backing out!"

"No...I'm going to stop our sister."

Asher paused. "Aurora?"

Gabriel came up to Asher. "Tell me Asher, you knew nothing about Aurora's escape, correct?"

"No. I knew nothing...she's never tried to contact me Gabriel. You know that."

"Yes...yes, I suppose."

Asher nodded his head. "Stay here Gabriel. Emily...I don't know how to handel her."

"Neither do I."

"She trusts you...oh, don't try denying it. You care for her, she can sense that. No matter how much she denies it. Sometimes Gabriel, I think it would have been better if you had stayed on Agean and taken the Kingship yourself."

With that said, Asher left the room leaving Gabriel to his thoughts, and Emily to her drugged sleep.


Emily pulled the covers over her head, trying to block out the knocking on the bedroom door.

"Go away!" She yelled.

The door opened and Gabriel walked in. "At least this time I knocked Emily."

Emily didn't move from under her covers.

It had been a week since they had first arrived on Agean, and nothing had changed!

She had even tried a hungry strike to force them to send her home, but that had failed. She only made herself very sick.

She heard Gabriel's voice over her bed. "It's a beautiful day outside Emily. Come out and see."

"No." Emily snapped.

Gabriel sighed.

Next thing she knew the covers were thrown off of her and Gabriel stood at the end of the bed, hands on his hips. "Come on Emily. Time to get up."

Emily shook her head.

"Don't make me pick you up again." Warned Gabriel.

Emily crawled to the back of the bed. "Go...away!"

Gabriel but one knee on the bed. "Your asking for it Emily."

Emily looked to her left judging the distance to the bathroom.

Gabriel shook his head. "Don't think it."

Emily launched herself off the bed heading for the bathroom.

Gabriel of course caught her in an instant, he pulled her off her feet and then did IT!

Damn! Emily couldn't stop laughing, his feathers tickeling her stomach and side. This was his secret weapon ever since he found out just how very tickilish she was.

Gasping for breath as he stoped, Emily could only watch as he walked out of the room with her in his arms.

This had become the routine every morning.


Gabriel couldn't stop hiding the smile on his face as he carried Emily down the hall, hands around her waist, holding her like a child.

No matter how much trouble she was, when she giggled she sounded like a carefree child. All joy and mischief.

He let her down when they reached the royal court yard.

Asher stood a few meters away reading a book, siting on one of the stone benches in the middle of the green garden.

It was very peacful here, and Emily seemed to like it. So their time was mostly spent in the garden.

"Ahhh." Asher smiled. "Here we are at last."

Emily ignored Asher and walked over to the small pond on the opposit side of the flower bed.

She sat down on the green grass and dipped her bare toes into the sparkeling blue water.

Gabriel came and sat down with Asher on the stone bench.

The two arch angels watched Emily as she moved her feet in the water, head bent, trying to ignore the two angels behind her.

"At least she's still wearing the Agean uniform." Asher noted.

Gabriel smiled. "Only because we took away all her clothes except the uniform."

Emily now wore a pair of white shorts and white top with long sleeves. The ends of the sleeves had a little hook on the end and slipped over each middle finger. A traditional look, each ring was gold and was ingraved with Agean words.

As Gabriel watched, Emily pulled her hair loose from the poney tail it was in and began to braid it.

Asher returned to his novle, but not before saying. "The people have to meet her soon."

Gabriel sighed. "I think we should still wait a while longer."

A splash returned his attention to Emily, she'd slipped into the pond and now began to swim around.

"Careful Emily," he warned. "They're are sharp stones on the bottom."

"I KNOW!" Emily snapped back.

Asher shook his head. "Don't keep baiting her Gabriel. You really do treat her like..."


Both Arch Angels turned and saw Emily's head go under the water, hands splashing the water.

Gabriel ran forward ready to dive into the small pond.

Emily suddenly surfface a smiled on her face. "Gottcha!"

Gabriel came to a halt near the pond, legs spread wide. Hands on hips.

Emily laughed and splashed some water near him.

Asher walked up to Gabriel. He looked at Emily.

"I don't think that was wise Emily."

Gabriel felt the muscle in his forehead throbe.

Emily smiled up at him and floated away in the water, laughing!
