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The great hall was in turmoil.

Aurora's demon creatures were fighting against all the good Ageans.

Gabriel had found himself struck by a heavy demon seconds after Emily's body had fallen to the ground.

Around him he heard a laugh. "Oh Gabriel. I should have just killed you when we were little!"

Aurora dropped from the sky beside him, her booted toe caught him in the side, sending him skitting backwards.

"The petty human is dead! Your people will die...and I will rule Agean. It doesn't matter that you showed up! I still win!"

Gabriel coughed, blood splatered on the ground. He still wasn't healed enough. And Aurora knew that, she knew he wouldn't...couldn't beat her.

He looked forward and stared into Emily's pale, dead face. A rage boiled in him, a coldness flew through his blood. He would kill her! Half sister or not!

Gabriel screamed throwing the small knife from his boot at Aurora.

She crashed to the side, avoiding the blade just in time.

Gabriel was on her in an instant. He pulled her up, his broken wings worked, even through the unbarable pain.

Aurora's hands raked down his side, nearly ripping out one of his eyes. He pulled her close to him, flying higher, towards the glass ceiling.

Aurora screamed as did Gabriel when they crashed through the glass, it tore at both of them, ripped their skin and clothes.

Gabriel's wings couldn't stand it anymore, they buckled and the two Ageans fell back down to the temple.

Aurora slamed her fist into Gabriel's face. "Idiot!"

Gabriel didn't let go, he would pull her to her own death, crashing down, he would sacrifice himself. He had failed Emily, he wouldn't fail his people.

Just as they crashed through the broken glass again, the fake Asher swopped forward, grasping Aurora from Gabriel's arms.

Gabriel turned his head, it looked as though they were trying to leave the temple by flight.

A golden Royal spear appeared, flying through the air. It ramed into the back of the fake Asher, straight through him, it punchtured Aurora's side as well.

Both shriked. But the fake Asher re-morphed to his original red eyed demon state. He no longer had wings.

Aurora's scream was high in fear, she couldn't move from the Demon's side, she was pearced against him, falling backwards, down to the Temples floor.

Gabriel closed his eyes as he neared the impact that never came.

Daniel held him around the arms and softly lowered him to the ground. "Didn't think I could fly as well as you M'Lord?"

Gabriel looked back upwards, just in time to watch Aurora and the Demon slam onto the Temple's main alter.

Gabriel blinked.

The real Asher pushed his way through the fighting Ageans and Demons. He reached the alter.

"Dead." he turned and raised his voice. "Aurora is dead."

Gabriel brushed a bloodied hand across his eyes. "And so is Emily."

Lixer held her friends crumpled body, hidding against the side of the temple's walls, away from the fighting.

Gabriel turned his head and saw Emily's quite form. He'd failed her.


It took twellve hours to destroy all the demons, and then explain to all the Agean people what had made such a joyus day turn into a nightmare.

Gabriel walked with a limp, he leaned on a cain one of his people had provided for him.

He was walking down a corridor in the palace, towards her wake.

Gabriel limped into the candle lit room.

Asher and the rest of the royalty that had assembled for the wake all bowed to him. It was now known that he was the true King, the people had forced him had into accepting his role.

He only wished...

Everyone in the room slowly got up and left the room, leaving Gabriel alone.

He walked over to the small glass coffin with the embrodered glass images and words of Agean sorrow.

Inside, her pale face...why hadn't the colour in her lips faded yet?

Gabriel'd eyebrows snapped together.

He leaned forward, reaching out, he pulled the white gown appart at the waist. There was no wound. How?

Gabriel felt her chest for a heard beat. Was it possible?

A beat!

Only one, but it was there! No, it was impossible! He was going insane!

He laughed, covering his face with his hands, not caring that he sounded like a mad mand. He was mad! And he never told her the truth! God, how he loved her!


Gabriel moaned, but kept his eyes shut. "Oh...Emily. I'm so sorry...please forgive me."

"I do, oh Gabriel, open your eyes."

"I see you Emily, just never stop talking to me. I don't mind being insane, really. Just as long as you never stop-"

A hand belted him right across the face. "Open your stupid eyes!"

Gabirel snapped them open and saw a very much alive looking Emily.

"Emily." He whispeard.

"I am not dead!" she shouted at him.

Gabriel took his cain up and slowly limped away. "I know, you will always live in my heart."

Emily stood up and jumped from the glass coffin, "I'm going to vomit. ASHER!"

The doors flung open, "Emily!"

Gabriel spun around. "You can see her!?"

Asher looked ready to faint.

Gabriel dropped his cain and ran to Emily, taking her up, he crushed her to him.

"Ouff! Okay, Gabriel, I think you are breaking some ribs right now."

"How!? I'm never letting you go!" Gabriel whispaered against her hair.

Emily was trying to pull out of his arms. "Okay...Okay...that's...this is becoming painfull!"

Something heavy fell to the ground.

Gabriel turned, Emily still in his arms. Asher had fainted dead away on the ground, followed by Lixer.

Daniel stood in the doorway with people peeking over his wings.


Emily struggled to pull her head up. "I'm alive! Now get this leeche off me before he crushes me!"

Gabriel turned his head and looked at Emily. He didn't know how, but she was here. He grabbed her head pulled her down before she could protest.

Emily was stunned at the kiss at first.

Gabriel kissed as if he were a drowning man. He tasted her like an exquisit wine, drawing on her mouth, putting into passion what words could not discribe.

Emily, shy and confused at first, suddenly collapsed against him. She too drew his passion like it was her last breath.

Someone coughed behind them, they continued to kiss.

"Lord Gabriel? Your highness?"

Gabriel lifted his wings and wrapped them around himself and Emily, cutting them off from the rest of the room.

Daniel's voice rose, "We need to make sure M'Lady is alright!"

Gabriel kissed her forhead. "She is now."

Emily frowned. "I don't understand how though...I was dead wasn't I?"

Gabriel lifted one of her hands, "Aurora said something to me when she threw me into the dungeon...that you had...power."

Emily nodded her head. "She said the same thing to me..what did she mean?"

"I think, you're Agean blood line finally emerged, when the emergency arose. It reacted out of instinct, saved you. Agean's heal wounds much easier."

Daniel's voice came through the cocoon of feathers. "That is a possible explination...but still your highness...we really must check her."


Emily pooked a hand through Gabriel's feathers. "I feel fine Daniel...mabye you should check Asher and Lixer. I hope they didn't hurt their heads when they fainted."

Gabriel brough her hand back into the coocoon.

Emily looked up. " love me?"

"You heard?"

Emily smiled, "No, you just told me."



"Tell me Emily."

Emily smiled softly, running her hand across his check. "You first."

Gabriel kissed her lips. "I love you."

Emily kissed him. "I guess I do to."

Gabriel squeezed her tight.

"I love you!" Emily shouted.


Three Months Later Emily sat in the chair, her feet curled beneath her. She glanced up, Gabriel's head was bent over the next batch of documents.

He sensed her gaze and looked up. He flashed her a smile.

Emily smiled back, then continued to write in her journal.

"Looks good." Gabriel said over her shoulder.

Emily yellped. "Hey! Back to your desk...I told you, I haven't finished it yet."

Gabriel kissed her then quietly walked back to his desk, he looked out the large windows of the Royal office.

He lookd lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" Emily asked.

Gabriel waved his hand, "Nothing Emily."

Emily laughed. "Oh come on! What?"

Gabriel looked at her just with his eyes, a smile tugging at his mouth.

Emily guessed. "Oh."

Gabriel laughed and sat back down in his chair.

"No regrets Emily?" He asked.

Emily considered his question. She looked outside on the Agean landscape, the towering sky and waterfalls. She thought of Lixer and Asher...they were going to be married in less then a month. She thought of her family, whom she missed. Then she looked up at Gabriel, "If I'm here with you, no regrets."

"But you miss your family."

"I'll see them ever year like we agreed. That would have happend when I left home've seen what my family is like."

Gabriel nodded his head laughing. "True, you'll probably see them more staying here on Agean then you would have had you stayed on earth."

The two lapsed into their own thoughs. Only after Gabriel finished a small meeting with one of his Generals did Emily speak again.

"It's amazing when I think about it."

Gabriel nodded his head to an advisor who approched from the end of the great study. "What is?"

Emily lowered her voice. "We fell in love."

Gabriel nodded his head, dark hair slipping forward. "We certainly did."

Suddenly Gabriel leaned back in his chair. "Of course, I never had any doubts...I knew everything."

Emily threw a cushion at him, laughing. "Oh sure!"

Gabriel smiled. "Would I lie to you, love?"

"If it kept me from leaving you, meant chaning me to your side...probably."

Gabriel leaned back in his chair. "Of course."

The team of advisors apprached and Emily let Gabriel continue to rule his planet...well at least for the next half hour.

The End Copyright 2000 Charmeye.