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Click HERE for Part II of this story!

London, May 15th, 1820.

"Dear Sir,
I am writing to inform you that your great-uncle has
recently passed away. On his death, you were mentioned
as his only heir, you will inhert the entire estates
entitled with the dukedom. However, there is one snag
in the will. Your late great-uncle, not only wanted to
have you married by the end of the year...but also to
the lady of his choice. His choice is Lady Amelia
Spencer of Northruck.

It would be much appriciated if you were to return to
London very soon,
your servant,
Matthew Barrow."

Lord Avery Harker, now the Duke of Stanport, refolded the letter back into his jacket pocket and leaned back against the carriage.

A small smile curved his lip.

He'd also recived with that letter, four months ago, a small portrait of his intended 'wife'.

Lady Amelia Spencer of Northruck, looked like the regular country miss. Moose brown hair, tucked neatly behind her ears, her simple cotton blue dress showed a good sense of simplicity...

The carraige coming to a jerking halt, stoped Avery from his driffting thoughts.

Avery poked his head out of the window.

"What on earth!"

The driver jumped down, "Sorry yer lordship, she just jumped in front of me."

"I most certainly did NOT jump in front of you!" A female voice called out.

Avery steped out of the carrage and walked to the front of it.

A young girl with her back to him was in the process of picking up her brown parcle bags, muttering to herself. "Why would any one purposely jump in front of a moving carriage."

Avery pulled off his white gloves and walked over. "Here. Let me assit you miss."

The young woman shook her head, still not bothering to turn around. "I'm quite all right."

Avery frowned, what to say next?

"Exactly where were you heading? There is nothing around this road for miles."

The young woman had shoved her purse on her shoulder and fnally turned around.

"I was heading to Catham, it's only three miles from here."

Avery was shocked. It was none other then the country mouse Miss Ameila Spencer.

"Please, let me assit you. At least let me drive you to Catham."

Miss Spencer looked him up and down, "I don't belive you are from around these parts sir."

"I am visiting, my uncles estate."

"And your uncle is?"

Avery smiled, "I don't belive you would know him. But let me change the subject, if you would accompany me to Catham I would be please to give you my entire family history."

Amelia shook her head showing a strong determined will. Avery had not expected that in her.

"I bid you good day sir." She then turned and marched back down the side of the road and into the forest.

His driver shook his head, "Never seen a lady go tromping about the country side like that."

Avery smiled, "She obviusly isn't the every day kind of lady. Anyways, enough delay, let us proced on to Catham."

"Begging your lordships pardon, but why didn'a ya' tell the young lady that you's was heading to Catham?"

Avery croked one eye brow, "And ruin the surprise when she finds out I'm there before her. Impossible."

Avery climbe back into the carriage. "Carry on."

Miss Amelia Spencer, why on earth would his great-uncle have choosen such a girl? He had expected a docile almost fearful young girl. Exactly the sort of woman his great uncle had married. A chilt right out of the school room, whom he would have no problem ordering about.

Avery cuckled, his great-uncle obviusly wanted him to have such a hard time with his intended that he might give up the dukedom.

"Fat chance old man." Avery said outloud.


Amelia handed the last parcle over to the last village family.

"Oh bless you Miss Spencer. You's such a sweet angel."

Amelia smiled at Henny, the widow had seven children to cloth and feed and no husband. She was just one of the many families that Amelia helped ever month.

"Take good care of the children Mrs Henny." She said with a smile.

The children waved from the side windows as she walked back down the path and onto the street. She waved back and then turned to head back to Catham.

It had been a very productive day, she gotten to all the familes, and managed to get all her walking done in record time. It must be at least five in the afternoon now.

Amelia picked up her pass, she had better hurry home so she could help the cook prepare dinner.

Just as she was a few miniets from Catham, the sky that had been a little cloudy, suddenly became very cloudly and the wind picked up.

"Oh dash it! Don't start to rain."

The sky ignored her warning and open up with a loud crack of thunder.

Amelia grabed her plain beige traveling dress in one hand and held onto her hat with the other and ran down the back drive way to the estate.

She reached the servant door, out of breath a soaking wet.

She pounded on the door.

"OH! Miss Spencer! Quickly come inside." Miss Matham, the cook said.

Amelia smiled. "Thank you. Ahh...thank goodness you've started dinner already, it's warm in here."

"Quickly Miss Spencer, you must get out of those wet clothes."

"Oh yes." Amelia said, she took of her hat and flung it on the floor followed by her kid traveling gloves and riticule.

"Mary, get one of the maid's uniforms from the side cuboard."

Amelia was soon deck out in a clean warm maids uniform. "Now Miss Spencer, head up stairs and get into a nice warm bath. I'll send it up directly."

Amelia nodded her thanks and heading towards the main hallway. She passed a few servants, smiled and said hello.

She was about to climb up the stair case when suddenly a voice caught her attention.

Did they have guests?

Forgetting she was wearing a maids uniform, Amelia headed to the living room and opened the door.

Mr Borrow was sitting in a chair smilling, in the middle of a sentence. He looked up and started when he saw her.

Who was in the other chair she couldn't see.

Mr. Borrow stood up and Amelia nodded her head to him. "Hello Mr. Borrow I didn't know you were expect..." Her voice trailed off as the other man rose from his chair and turned.

"Miss Spencer, so we meet again."

Amelia's mouth dropped. "What are YOU doing here?"

The tall dark gentleman who'd nearly run her over with her carriage was actually standing in HER living room!

Mr. Borrow swallowed odly. " have met before?"

The tall gentlemen spoke, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I nearly ran Miss Spencer she can atest to."

Amelia spluttred.

"I never belived you would be working in my home Miss Spencer."

Amelia felt her cheeks go red with rage. "I am mearly borrowing this uniform, and what do you mean your home? Catham is MY home."

Mr. Borrow cleared his throat. "Acording to the late Dukes will, I was told to keep the information of the Duke proper heir a secret...until now. This gentlemen is Lord Avery Harker, the 8th Duke of Stanport, and owner of Catham."

Amelia felt like the wind was punched out of her. She had thought this was going to be her home.

Collecting herself Amelia stood strighter. "Very well, I will have my bags packed and I will be ready to vacat in the morning."

She turned to leave only to hear Lord Avery calling her back.

"Miss Spencer, I'm affraid we haven't told you absolutly everything yet."

"What do you mean?"

Mr. Borrow looked very anxious.

Lord Avery waved a hand to the chair, "Please have a seat."

Amelia was puzzled, what else could they inflict on her?

Mr. Borrow prouduced a bound booklet from his jacket. He handed it to Amelia.

"This is the true copy of the will of the late Duke of Stanport. Lord Avery Harker, is in fact the late dukes, great nephew."

Amelia nodded her head, eyes scanning the will.

"Acording to the last will of the late duke, if you wish, you may remain at Catham Miss Spencer, but only under the condition that you marry his grace, Lord Harker. And Lord Harke may only keep his dukedom and Catham under the condition that he marry you."

Amelia closed her eyes. It was much worse then she thought.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to pressure you into anything Miss Spencer. You may have to night to decide."

Amelia opened her eyes to glare at Lord Harker. "Why thank you ever so MUCH your grace."

Lord Harker only laughed at her sarcastic tone.

"Mr. Borrow tells me that you have been living here at Caham for the last four months."

"Acutally for the last year."

Lord Harker turned to Mr. Borrow. "Year?"

Amelia beat Mr. Borrow to explain, "I was your late great-uncle's care taker."

"Care taker?"

"A nurse of sorts. I read to him, kept him company."

"Is that all?" Lord Harker asked suspiciously.

"Lord Harker!" Amelia gasped.

Mr. Borrow shook his head. "Miss Spencer was hired through her families dealings with your great-uncle. She is a respectable young woman who was hired only as a care giver nurse to your ailing great-uncle."

Lord Harker smiled almost curely. "Yes. I suppose he was too ill to even atempt..."

"Lord Harker!" Amelia warned. She tried to remain stern, but she knew he mistook her blushing cheeks for embaresement not anger.

"If you are through insulting me, your grace. I have to return to the kitchens soon."

Amelia turned to leave, but as she closed the door behind her, she heard Lord Harker speak quietly to Mr. Borrow.

"That girl has been here an entire year?"

"She began to work for your uncle 8 months ago. After he passed away, she belived the house to be hers. Of course, no one told her that would happen on his death."

"How old is she?"

"Three and Twenty I belive."

"Any family?"

"A distant cousin I belive, her parents were killed shortly after she was born. That was how your great-uncle knew her. Her father had been one of his top buisness advisors."

"Why is she a maid now?"

Mr. Borrow laughed. "No no. Miss Spencer, from what I have gatherd, simply enjoys helping everyone. It seems to be in her nature."


Amelia turned away from the door and quickly walked up the stairs to her room. How dare that man come into her life and ruin everything! This was her home! She certainly wasn't going to marry that vulgar man...but she'd fight for her home!


Click HERE for Part II of this story!