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Prince Charming

Boston, 1994

Shannon handed her ticket to the porter at the door. She smiled nervously and moved into the massive entrance of the castle.

'Oh God', Shannon thought as she saw the huge towering chandeleries. She defenitly did NOT belong here!

"Shanny! Come on hurry up!"

Shannon was yanked from her thoughts as her friend Suzie grabbed her arm and propelled them through the crowds.

"What?" Shannon asked. "What's wrong?"

Suzie gave off her party laugh, the one that made men's heads turn. "Nothings wrong hun. I just wanted to introduce you to some friends of mine."

Shannon cringed. She knew she wouldn't get along with any of Suzies friends. What had given her the notion that she and Suzie still had anything in common since High School?!

Suzie was her opposit just as night differed from day.

Shanny's honeyed red hair was an unusual color, she usually wore it bundled up in a tight ponetail. Tonight her hair tumbled onto her shoulders in perfect waves that Suzies hair styliest had done.

Her pale summer baby blue dress was a sharp contrest to Suzies tight red cocktail dress.

Suzie was like her dress, sharp angels. Short think black hair cut off near her ear. Sparkeling jewllery, (from her latestest boyfriend) and bright BRIGHT red lipstick.

Shannon thought that the two of them walking side by side must look like the dull mouse meeting the wild tiger.


Shannon turned to see who Suzie was addressing.

"Sebastian, do not be a bore and ignore me. Come over here and meet Shanny!"

Shannon hated the way Suzie said her name, it made her sound like an infant.

Shannon turned and felt her breath catch. 'Wow', was all her mind could think to say.

The tall handsom man leaned down with a gorgeus smile and kissed Suzies cheek. He was dressed in a simple buisness suit, unlike all the other men dressed like penguins.

His dark brown hair had a slight curle to it that gave it a boyish charm.

"Pleased to meet you Shannon."

Oh...and a voice to melt her legs as well.

"Nice to meet you too Sebastian."

Shannon congragulated herself on even remembering what the guys name was. She hopped her mouth hadn't dropped too low on the ground.

Suzie pulled Shannon's arm and Sebatians arm through each of her own arms. "Come on you two, lets get some food! I'm starved."


It turned out that when Suzie meat she wanted some food, she wanted to leave the party she'd only just gotten to and go half way across the US to her favorite restaurant.

Shannon pushed the last curl of chocolate mouse away and sighed. "I'm done."

Suzie was gurgeling with another cup of wine.

Sebastian smiled at Shannon. "I think Suzies had a bit too much fun tonight, don't you?"

Shannon saw Suzie nearly tip out of her chair. "She's drunk."

Sebastian laughed. "Yes. That's what I meant."

Shannon felt sheepish. "Should we take her home now?"

"No! No...I want to dance. You! Waiter! Dance with me!"

To Shannon incredible embarassement Suzie flung herself on the poor waiter who couldn't do much except catch her drunk friend.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I've had to go through this episode many more times then you my dear Shannon."

Shannon looked over at Sebastian. She didn't actually know anything about him, through the entier dinner and trip, Suzie had dominated the conversation.

"So, how did you meet Suzie?" she asked trying to breech the wall.

Sebastian smiled. "She's my ex-fiance."

Shannon was shooked. "I didn't know Suzie was ever engaged."

" two really were never good friends were you?"

Shannon nodded her head. "Suzie and I really lost contact after high school. That was nearly five years ago...a lot has happened since then."

"To answer your question, which I know you'll ask. Suzie and I decided we weren't ready for marriage and both backed out."

"Oh that's a better way...neither was really hurt then?"

"No...except mabye Suzie. I made my multi-millions just a year after we broke off the engagement."

"Excuse me?" Shannon blinked.

"I think you know...Suzie's a gold digger. I had money, but not enough at the time to keep shall I put this...interested."

Shannon shook her head. "I knew...but I guess I never thought she'd go through wtih it."

"That's what this is all about."

Shannon turned around and looked at Sebastian. "Pardon?"

"Suzie set up this evening between you and I."

Shannon felt stung. "What?!"

"I realised almost as soon as I met you that you didn't even know who I you even know who I am now?"

Shannon bit her lip. She didn't want to insult him.

Sebastian saw this and laughed. "Come on, you won't insult me little one. Just a bruise my ego...I'm sure it will heal."

Shannon shook her head. "Sorry I don't know who you are."

"My name is Sebastian Friendrickter III." he waited for recognition.

Shannon shook her head.

"I am the Prince of Chartur."

Shannon's mouth went into and O formation. "Oh! I know who you are were in all those newspapaers recently. Something about having to find a bride..."

Shannon's voice trailed off.

Sebasian leaned forward. "You see...I knew Suzie was a gold digger, so when I came to her for help I knew she could route out all the petty, gold diggers for me in my search."

Shannon's hands felt cold. "Search?"

Sebastian smiled at her extened a hand and clasping her cold ones. "You were adopted weren't you Shannon."

Shannon nodded her head.

"Well, your true parents names were Sherridan Hutterfurl and George Hutterfurl. You are the last heir to the Hutterfurl Principality."

Shannon's eyes were blurring. "What?"

"Acording to the laws of my kingdom, I can marry only from certain households in Europe. Suzie has helped me narrow down my choices and introduced me to each and ever choice. You. I choose you."

Shannon eyes bulged. "WHAT!?!"

"I'm asking you to marry me Princess Shannon of Hutterfurl."

Shannon did the only princess like thing she could think of at that momment...she fainted.