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Tarquin raised his head at the sound of voices in the hall.


The door bursed open, "Tarquin!"

Tarquin looked up and graoned. "Hello Uncle."

His Uncle took a note out of his fine black and white evening clothes. He slammed it on the desk.

"There it is Tarquin, all the money you'll get...ever!"

Tarquin made a mutter of a response.

His Uncle reached across the desk and grabbed him, yanking him up by his loose cravat.

"Are you drunk sir?!" His Uncle yelled.

Tarquin smiled at his Uncle's unflinching stare. "Why no Uncle, I'm mearly tippsy!"

His Uncle threw him back in the chair. "I can't belive we are of the same bloor...well perhaps not. That 'mother' of yours slept around even more then your father did. Discrace to the family, just as you have turned out to be."

His Uncle looked around the room. "I see you've redecorated your father's study."

Tarquin rubbed his face with his hands. By redecorate his Uncle had meant he'd gotten ride of all the items that could fetch a price.

Being in debt was not an occupation for the wealthy.

Tarquin sighed, he looked up at his Uncle through Blood shot eyes. It was true, he looked nothing like the rest of his family. All blue eyed blond breeding, he was runt to the rest of them. A black eyed, blacked haired, gypsy discrace.

His Uncle took out a box from his poket. "This is also the last thing you'll recive from us Tarquin beside the petty cash and this rotting estate. Your mothers engagement ring."

His uncle threw him the box, Tarquin let it fall to the floor.

"Get out." Tarquin finally snapped.

"Glade too," His uncle replied. "Damn gypsy kid."

Tarquin groaned when the door slammed, he let his head fall onto his desk. It was over.


Mary held out her hand when it was slapped.


"One more sweet Marry and you'll burst the dress you do have."

Marry huffed, that was not true. She was skinnier then any of her cousins, they just didn't want to share any more then they had to.

She looked around the table and saw the same expression on her relitives. 'Why were we stuck with this ungratful brat?'

Mary turned her attention away from their stares. She didn't care! She was going to get out of this house soon!

She wouldn't have a family to support her, but she planned to use her brains, her looks and her contacts to hopefully snag herself a wealthy husband.

If only her parents had died, and if only it could have been proven that she had been born when her parents were married. Then she wouldn't have been a cast away from her family. If only...


Mary snapped her head around.

"Pardon?" She asked.

Her oldest cousin Samantha turned her pale green eyes on Mary. She looked so beautiful in her purple gown and her blond hair twisted on top of her head. She made Mary look like a servant in her simple black gown, with her hair in a braid.

"I said that we are heading to London next week. We don't have room for you in the coach, correct Papa?"

Lord Matheson coughed, his red nose standing out against the dinning tables candle light. "Correct daughter."

Samantha continued. "Since we can't have you remaning here all alone, we've decided to send you off to a distant relation...very distant."

Mary fingered her fork. "How distant?"

"India." Samantha replied with a hint of a smile.

Mary took a deep breath. "And he is a relation?"

Lord Matheson sat up a little straighter. "Not exactly...I served with the Uncle of this individual you will be staying with."

"Who?" Mary asked, with a little impatience in her voice.

Her relitives all glared at her.

Samantha smiled, "His name is Lord Tarquin Antherton, third in line for a Dukedom."

Mary was startled. Why was Samantha happy that she was going to be staying with an obviusly well off aristocarte?

The discussion turned to the trip to London and Mary could only guess at what lay ahead for her.


Six months later

Mary held out her hand as she desended from the carriage. She actually was dressed in her best outfit, one of only three that she owned.

It was so hot! Unbelivibly so, she was glade the dress was a pale green.

Samantha had bought it for her, hoping it was make a drab combination for Mary's long honey blond hair. But in fact, it rather acentuated it.

Her almond shaped brown eyes scanned the docks of the New Delih port.

"Where is his lordship?" She asked the porter.

The young man who was moving her trunk to the ground shook his shoulders. "Don't know m'lady. He'll be here soon."

Mary pulled out a small paracell from her carring case and poufed it out.

Her drab bonnet, peeling on the inside, was almost too much for the dry heat.

Suddenly the carriage shut it's door.

"Wait!" Mary called out. "You can't leave me here!"

The coach driver barely looked over his shoulder.

"His lordships coach will be here shortly M'lady. Good'day."

The carriage pulled off.

Mary pulled her trunk a little further away from the dock, her eyes scanned the surrounding area.

All she could see under the hot sun, were yards and yards of rope from ships. Trunks being loaded and sailors moving about. There were even some Native individuals selling fruit and other items higher along the dock.

Where the devil was he!?

She wondered for a scared second, if her mean family had sent her here with the intention of abandoning her!

Her breath came in short gaspes, until she forced herselt to calm down.

It would be allright, he would arrive soon.


Tarquin laid the last card on the table with a smile.

"There you are mates!"

His companions groaned as Tarquin slipped his winnings into his pocket.

He rose with a smile, tipped his hat. "Thank you very much indeed!"

He quickly steped out of the dock side pub before anyone could strip him of his lucky winnings.

The sun was near to setting, the days hussle and bussel on the dock was coming to a close.

He swung his cain as he walked.

In the six months since his Uncle had left, his life had improved...somewhat.

He was still quite poor, but the cash he had had, he spent on buying new clothes and an impressive carrage and horses.

He actually had a plan.

He turned to leave the dock was suddenly his eye caught the sight of a delicate English looking parasel on the lower dock.

"Hello?" he mummered.

He came down the steps, edging closer to what appeared to be a young lady...of good fortune.

Tarquin grinned. Was his golden fish about to slip in his hands this easily?

"Pardon me Miss, are you lost?" He asked in his most galent voice.

The young women turned around on an 'oh', her hand near her mouth. "You are English!"

Tarquin gave an eloquent bow, "Of course. I hope you don't mind the intrusion Miss. But any young Lady of quality really shouldn't be out here on the docks at night."

The young woman looked just about ready to have a fit.

"I think I've been abandoned." She told him in a scared voice.

Tarquin's mode brightened even more. She looked wealthy, good breeding. And abandoned!

"By who?"

The young woman put down her parasell. "By my family. They've sent me out to visit a relitive, a future duke. But he hasn't arrive...I don't think he even exists."

"A Duke? I'm affraid to say there are no Dukes in this town."

The young woman bit her lip, thinking.

She raised out her hand. "Lady Mary Matheson."

Tarquin smiled, taking it and shacking it lightly. It would be a little white lie, but worth it.

"The Earl of St James, Tarquin. At your service."

Miss Matheson's lips puckerd. "You are an earl M'lord? What ever are you doing in India sir?"

Tarquin picked his brain, that was a good question.

"I have an estate that I'm in the process of...repairing."

"Oh lovely."

Tarquin wondered how he could get this fish into his trap a little quicker.

"It would be...ungentemenly of me, to leave a young woman of quality on the docks in a forign city. Please, if you would allow me to ascort you to my home. I will provide a sutible escort for you."

Probably my cook, he thought wyrly.

Miss Matheson nodded her head eagerly. "Oh yes! Thank you ever so much!"

Tarquin gleamed. It was sprung! He would seduce this poor young woman of quality, who no doubt about it, looked like she owned a large fortune. But why would her family abandone her?

An idea popped into his mind. They wanted her fortune for themselves! It was the only logical explanation!

His luck was with him today!


Her luck was with her tonight!

Mary couldn't belive it! An earl! Invited to his home, even though it was in the middle of being refurnished, she couldn't belive it!

The older women who'd introduced herself as Dala, was to be her companion.

The older woman was from Pakistan, the earl had informed her, and spoke very little english.

He explained that there were not a lot of staff because he wasn't actually moving into his mansion jsut yet.

Mary threw her bonnet on the large bed with the dusty covers. Around her the room was very sparce, with only a small vase table in one corner and a wodden chair in the other.

The only other major piece of furniture, was the bed, with was somehow attached to the wall.

There wasn't even a mirror in the room. She would have to ask Dala if she could fetch her one in the morning.

She felt like dancing around the room! An Earl! If only she could make him fall in love with her! Then she wouldn't have to rely on distante family, or this future duke she was supposed to have met.

Things were looking up!

But how could she make him fall in love with her?

He obviusly wouldn't want her to stay here too long. Probably he would try and help her find this relation...this Tarquin Antherton.

Tarquin must have been a popular name in England at some time, she could name four people with that name, including the new Earl she'd met.

She laughed. "If only Samantha could see me now."

Something scurried along the floor.

Mary screamed jumping up on the bed.

Dala opened the door, eyes wide. "What?"

Mary swallowed. "R..Rat."

Dala didn't seem to understand, until she saw the furry animal in the corner. The older woman smiled. She took a candle holder, the only one in the room and quickly decended on the rat.

With a quick bash, the rat was dead.

Mary sighed with relife.

Dala picked the creature up by the tail. She held it near to Mary. "Good soup tomorow!"

Mary blinked. Soup? This woman was going to put a soup!

Dala smiled and walked out the room leaving a disbeliving Mary to her thoughts.

Copyright 2000, Charmeye.