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Paris 1902, Winter.

Jean-Paul watched her with hooded eyes from inside his carriage. There was something different about this mortal. She was obviously a visitor to Paris, young and vibrant. She looked if anything, like an American. There was something emanating from her that called to his senses, tugged at the back of his mind.

He tried to reach out and penetrate her mind only to find nothing. It was like there was an invisible barrier between him and the girl and that had never happened to Jean-Paul in all the centuries he had existed. He summoned Dominique, mentally gave him instructions to follow the girl, then when he could, grab her and bring her back to the Palace. Unharmed.

Amy slowly came to, groggily and feeling a little sick, she managed to lift herself up on her side.


She fell back on the bed, the monstrous bed! It was like something out of a gothic novel. Huge, thick beam post at each end, fine oak and well kept. The sheets and pillows surrounding her were smooth and felt like real silk. She reached out a little unsteadily and pulled back one of the white drapes that hung around the bed.

Where ever she was it was an incredible room. It was huge and lit from the glow of candles. There were so many other things, a large mirror above a large lit fireplace, two large leather plush chairs placed on a Persian rug in front of the fire. On the other side of the room were large French glass windows covered by thick black drapes. She couldn’t tell if it was night or day.

"Ah, Cherie, you are awake."

Amy screamed at the man who appeared from air at the foot of the bed, holding one of the drapes back.

She scrambled backwards until she hit her head on the backboard. She winced and fell back on the bed.

"Please Amy, do not be afraid, I will not harm you."

Amy felt a pair of cold hands resting on her shoulders, holding her down.

"This is a dreams, a dream, a dream." she began to whisper to herself.

She felt the pair of hands leave her and then a warm blanket covered her from head to toe.

"Open you eyes Amy." The voice said.

Against her will, she opened her eyes and stared into a pair of golden yellow eyes. The man sat next to her on the bed, his arms folded, eyes patient. He smiled at her, a quick flash of bright white teeth against very pale skin and black wavy hair.

"Hello Amy. I am Jean-Paul."

Amy swallowed.

"You are wondering why you are here, correct?”

Amy nodded her head.

"Well, Cherie," Jean-Paul began, "I am a master vampire."

Amy gulped down a breath to scream.

"Non," Jean-Paul said smoothly , placing a cold hand on her mouth. "Please don't fear me I could never harm you. I need you more than you'll ever realize. Do you know of us vampires?"

Amy jerkily nodded her head.

"Tell me, what do you know?" Jean-Paul asked as he removed his hand from her mouth.

"You’re killers." She accused.

"No Amy, only some kill mortals. We drink from you, yes. But truly I don't have to kill anyone I drink from and they usually don't remember anything of the experience."

"You can warp peoples minds. The most powerful vampires are called Masters. My father knows more about you though. I never listened to what he said."

"Yes, I've heard of your father, descended from Van Haelzing isn’t he. You are adopted?”

Amy ignored his questions. "Is it money? Have I been kidnapped for money, because if I have, you'll be disappointed. My mother sucked all the money out of my family when she left with her boyfriend." Amy hadn't meant to babble and now that she quickly shut her mouth.

"I have more money than most countries will ever see in one generation Amy. I did not take you because of that, no the reason I brought you here is because I need you. Amy, you are my eternal soul mate."

"What?" Amy asked.

"Ever vampire has a human counterpart somewhere in the world. When you were born, I felt a tugging inside me and knew that my soul mate had been born. I never knew until yester night who you were, or where I would first encounter you. Yester night, when I watched you move in the crowd I knew you were the one. Amy, you are more beautiful then I ever imagined in my dreams."

“You’re crazy.”

"Perhaps. To you.”

Amy pushed the cover off her and moved further away from the vampire.

Jean-Paul smiled as he watched her retreat. He stood up in a flourish of movement.

"These are your apartments Amy. I have many servants who will grant your ever desire, but the one to leave the castle."


"Yes Amy, this is the Castle of Montclair. My ancestral home, I hope you learn to love it.”

Amy shook her head. “Never.”

"We have all eternity Amy, never isn't forever."

Then suddenly he was gone. Amy shot up from the bed and ran to the door. It was of course locked. Amy slammed her palms against the wooden door.

She turned around then went to the large black drapes, she pushed them back only to find wood covering the windows.

She screamed uncontrollable anger.

"Let me out!! Let me OUT!!!”

After minuets of silence, her strength left her.

“Please, please. Let me out." Amy slipped to the floor. "Let me out, let me out."


After crawling all over the room trying to find a way out, Amy had pulled her tired body back into the bed and fell into a light sleep.

When she woke up she had no clue as to how long she’d been asleep.

The fireplace that had been lit last night lay cold. The room’s candles had all gone out, except for a ray of light that came from behind a door.

Pushing the covers back she went over and pushed the door open. Why did it open now, and not when she’d tried last night?


The room looked like a version of a glass conservatory. Outside she saw snow covering a large expanse of lawn and trees and bushes dotting around the lawn. She turned ever which way, looking around her for something to perhaps break the glass with and escape.

She turned to get something from the bedroom. Perhaps a chair or candles stick holder.

She returned with one of the silver candlesticks and then turning her head away smashed it into the glass.


“Damn.” Amy muttered.

She let the candle stick holder fall to the ground and looked outside, it seemed to be sometime in the afternoon. What was this place called again?

"Montclair." she whispered aloud. It sounded like something out of a Camelot novel.

The ‘thing’ who owned the castle however was a far cry from any Lancelot or King Arthur.

"Mademoiselle, you are up, I am very glade."

Amy gave a cry of surprise as a tiny French woman waddled from the open doorway back towards the bed. She waddled because the tray she carried was much to heavy for her to handle quickly. She climbed up a little stepladder and placed the bed tray on the bed.

“Well come on Mademoiselle, you’ll catch a cold out there in the conservatory. Back into bed.”

Amy came back into the room, but didn’t get back into the bed.

"Excuse me?" Amy asked arms crossed, "But who are you?"

The plump woman smiled warmly, "I am Madame Clare. The masters house servant. I run everything here during the day." she stated proudly.

"You’re not a vampire?" Amy asked with surprise.

"Mon dieu! But no, all of the servants are mostly human. Except for a few, like Philip, Mr. Curona and Dominique."

"Why would you want to work for a vampire."

"Oh, Cherie, my family has a tradition with the Dukes de Dumont. That's the master’s title you know. My family has served him since the seventeenth century and he trust us completely. We trust him too, he takes care of us all very well."

Amy shook her head. “But he’s a vampire!”

"Oh poor sourie, you don't understand. Vampires are not all the evil creatures the world has made itself believe. Some are very kind, some evil while others are mixed."

"I’m not staying around to find out which kind your master is. Let me out!”

The old women’s eyes sparked. “Non. You will not leave this room. Now eat your food petite, Gigi will attend to you later.”

Amy looked to the door and then the woman. “Give me the keys.”

The woman shook her head.

"I see I've spent too much of your time already.”

The woman quickly turned and opened the door.

Amy rushed forward trying to hold the door open. A fanged face growled at her near her knees.

The woman patted the wolf on the head. “This is Gorgon. He is your protector. He would never let you leave the room unless in the masters company.”

Amy backed away from the huge gray beast. “I see.”

Madame Clare smiled and then shut and locked the bedroom door.

Amy turned back around and went to the food. It was the only thing she could do.


Gigi appeared just as soon as Amy was finished with her breakfast, or lunch, she didn’t know what to call it.

“Bonjour.” The young maid said. “Je m’excuse, mais je ne parler pas Englais.”

Amy knew enough French to pick up that Gigi didn’t speak a word of English.


Gigi smiled at her then waved to a man who brought in three large trunks. Amy’s eyes drifted to the door, unfortunately Gorgon stood staring right back at her. Great.

Gigi waved the man off and then turned to Amy.

“Changer.” Gigi said.

Amy frowned. Did that mean, change?

Gigi opened up one of the trunks and pulled out a beautiful white gown with beautiful lace designed on it.

Gigi then brought out ten more gowns, laying them on the ground. Gigi pointed to all the gowns and then to Amy. “Quelle?”

Did she want her to choose?

Amy sat on the bed and shook her head.

Gigi frowned. She lifted the purple one up with a smile handing it to Amy.

Amy took it and tossed it away, and shook her head.

Gigi huffed.

The door opened and Madame Clare entered. “Amy? Is there a problem Mademoiselle?”

“I’m not his whore! I won’t wear these ugly gowns!”

Gigi spat something quick and furious out in French. Madame Clare shook her head and responded, then turned to Amy.

“The master will awaken soon petite, and he expects you to join him for dinner.”

Amy shook her head. “You mean he wants me for dinner?”

Madame Clare shook her head. “Mademoiselle, please, stop being difficult. You will end up only punishing Gigi and myself if you are not ready for the Master.”

Madame Clare looked down at the gowns and chose a gown of reddish burgundy. “This would suit you best I believe.”

Madame Clare turned to Gigi and gave her instructions.

“Gigi will prepare your bath. Now, please. Let us dress you.”

Amy shook her head.

Madame Clare sighed, then over her shoulder called out. “Dominique?”

Amy crossed her arms. Wasn’t that one of the servants that Madame Clare had said were vampires?

A tall white haired man appeared through the doorway, the wolf stood beside him.

“Amy. If you do not step into the tub, I’m afraid Dominique will have to help you in.”

Amy opened her mouth, then closed it. It was only a bath and a gown, not that much of a hardship. She certainly wanted to avoid being handled by any vampire.

Madame Clare smiled again. “Bien.”