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Amy nodded her head and quickly followed Jacque out into the hallway.

He led her a goodly distance before opening the door to a small bathroom.

Amy thanked the servant and went inside, locking the door behind her. Quickly she looked around her. There was a door on the other side of the bathroom. She tried it only to find it locked. Damn.

Amy’s mind raced. She had to break the lock. She opened the small sink and found a screwdriver. Perfect! Taking it, she wrapped a hand towel around it and then slammed it into the door’s handle. The towel muffled the sound.

The servant still heard and knocked on the door. “Mademoiselle?”

Amy smiled at the broken lock. “I’m fine. I just dropped a bottle on the floor.”

She hoped the servant believed that lie. She opened the door and felt a cold draft rush up on her. It was a balcony! What luck!

Amy quickly squeezed through the door closing it behind her, she felt around in the dark. She saw small lights below and above, it was hard to tell how high the balcony was up. Only one way to find out.

Gathering her skirts up she vaulted onto the railing.

From the bathroom she heard the doorknob being tried and the servant asking. “Mademoiselle?”

Now or never!

Amy leaped off the railing.

Time slowed as she fell into the dark. She landed hard against the snowy ground on a slant, tumbling downwards. Branches scraped her sides and snow billowed around her. She eventually stopping rolling when she hit a bunch of winter hedges.

Gasping in shallow breaths, she got up on her knees to get her bearings. Above on what looked to be the second floor was the small balcony from which she had jumped. She’d made it!


The servant was on the balcony looking for her.


Amy picked up her skirts and began running through the snow in the general direction opposite of the Palace. She had no idea where she was running to, no care that it was the middle of winter and that she’d probably freeze before she found somewhere to hide. All that mattered was getting away from that prison!


Philip stopped talking when they all heard the shout. Jean-Paul swore jumping to his feet. He should never have trusted her! Damn!

Caroline and Philip ran after him heading to where the servant was raising the alarm.

Jean-Paul grabbed Jacque by the throat, his eyes disappearing behind the glowing sparks. “Where is she?”

Jacque motioned to the broken door within the bathroom. “Balcony.”

Jean-Paul let Jacque drop to the floor and ran out onto the balcony. “Amy!”

He saw her figure in the distance, down the slope of the hill, trying to run in the snow with her long gown. Stupid girl! She’d freeze to death before she’d...

Jean-Paul drew in a breath. “Mon Dieu.”

Caroline came up behind him. “She’s running towards the Lake!”

Philip looked out. “It would be completely frozen over by now right?”

Jean-Paul sucked in his power and leaped over the railing. By God he hoped the lake was frozen!

“Amy!” He shouted again. “Stop! You’re running onto a lake!”


Amy heard Jean-Paul yelling behind her and it did nothing but increase her desire for freedom making her run harder. It was difficult with the dress and snow to move quickly and she realized that Jean-Paul cold catch up with her very soon.

She saved just one moment to look behind her and saw Jean-Paul clambering down the snow covered slope towards her. Amy turned around and suddenly slipped on a patch of ice, the movement threw her forward on her hands and knees. Something cracked!

Amy felt the ground beneath her shift. She tried to stand up and move her body out of the way but the ice suddenly shattered around her and she plunged downwards into the ice water.

The dark water closed over her head and Amy panicked as the dress pulled her downward.

Pulling herself up with all her strength she bobbed her head up. “Help!”

The dress pulled her back under the water.


Jean-Paul stumbled to a stop on the edge of the Lake. She’d disappeared under the ice. No!


Philip came up behind him. “Where is she?”

A head appeared trough the whiteness of the Lake. “Help!”

Jean-Paul struggled against running towards her. “Amy! Keep your head above the water.”

“I can’t!”

“She’s struggling Jean-Paul. The gown will pull her under.”

Jean-Paul focused on the spot where Amy had disappeared again. Hoping she’d come up just once more. When she did, he’d run forward and grab her from the water.

“Jean-Paul!” Amy screamed when she surfaced for what could be the last time.

Jean-Paul’s eyes glowed with all his power. Quickly he shot out across the thin ice sheet, moving quicker then a smudged shadow.

Amy’s head disappeared, her hand hitting the ice around her.

Jean-Paul grabbed that hand and lifted her quickly into his arms, not even stopping in his run until he reached the other side of the lake.

He collapsed against her on the ground. Too drained from the unexpected use of all his powers so early in the night. Philip was running around the lake to reach them.

“Amy?” Jean-Paul whispered.

She said something, eyes fluttering open. “Cold.”

“Amy...I can’t...” Jean-Paul collapsed beside her.

Philip reached them and Jean-Paul felt him first help Amy up.

“Jean?” Philip asked.

“Get her inside.” Jean-Paul said as his strength failed him and he fell into unconsciousness.


Amy felt the world tilt as Philip lifted her high into his arms and quickly ran back to the Palace.

“Jean-Paul.” She whispered.

Philip barely looked at her. “Nearly killed himself trying to save you.”

Soon Philip was back at the Palace and handed her into the arms of the tall Dominique. Dominique spoke harshly in French and then quickly strode away carrying her down the corridor.

“What about Jean-Paul?” Amy asked.

Philip shot back at her, “What would you care Amy?” Amy coughed up water and shivered.

Dominique kicked her bedroom door open and practically threw her onto the bed, shoving her under the covers. “Stay!”

Claudette rushed inside followed by Madame Clare. The two women looked worried and angry at the same time.

Madame Clare spoke in French to Claudette and the two of them began running around getting things. Amy felt the heat of a fire being stoked up and the warmth of a hot water bottled being rubbed up and down her now undressed body.

It was too much. She drifted off to sleep.


Amy woke up to a dark room. What time was it? What day was it? She had disorientation on the verge of vertigo. She pushed the warm covers back and called out.


A shadow appeared at the foot of the bed.

“Jean-Paul.” Amy gasped.

Gorgon jumped up onto her bed. He growled at her baring teeth.

“Why Amy? Do you see what a foolish thing you have done? You could have been killed!”

Amy sucked in her breath. “I had to escape!”

Jean-Paul stared at her intently. His hands were clenching and unclenching. Finally he moved away from her to stand in front of the fire.

“I won’t let you do another foolish act ever again.” He said quietly.

Amy shook her head prepared to argue.

Jean-Paul poked a booted foot at the fireplace.

“Do you hear me Amy? I am Master here, I am eight hundred years old and will not be disobeyed by some slip of a girl.”

Amy shook from the cold words he said but wouldn’t back down. “I’d rather have drowned then be here in your presence.”

Gorgon suddenly hunched forward growling again.

“Gorgon!” Jean-Paul snapped and the animal bounded off the bed.

“I am not another person you can order around!” Amy yelled.

“Stop this, stop angering me!” Jean-Paul snapped slamming his hand against the fireplace. “You are mine to command!”

Amy hunched backwards in the bed. “If you think you’ll win me over by violence, you’re using the wrong approach.”

Jean-Paul looked at her, his face a contraction of rage.

“I don’t care about winning you Amy. You are already mine and the sooner you realize that the better. What did you see between Caroline and Philip? I am not offering you a position of slavery woman! I am offering you the chance to live forever and to be loved forever.”

Amy threw her arms up in the air. “But you don’t love me and I certainly don’t love you!”

Amy screamed as she found herself knocked backwards on the bed, Jean-Paul looming over her. Eyes glowing.

“Love?” Jean-Paul mocked. “You don’t need love? Is this what you are telling me Amy? Perhaps all you need is this!”

Jean-Paul grabbed her face between his hands and forced her to kiss him.

Amy kicked, hands hitting him and he was unaffected. Amy grabbed his hair and pulled, hard.

Jean-Paul snapped his head back and brought his hand up in the air.

Amy closed her eyes waiting for the strike that never came.

Jean-Paul sat on the edge of the bed, head in hands.

Amy shook all over, shocked and feeling violated.

“Do you see what you do to me Amy. Only you drive me to such distraction, and because I feel that pull from you. That energy that you do not feel yet, and won't until the joining. Then you’ll know the torture! Then when you want me as much as I want you…I’ll grant you your wish and leave you alone.”

Amy blinked when he seemed to have vanished into mid air.

What had he meant by that last comment?

Gorgon sat at the foot of her bed, head down, sleeping.

Amy moved to leave the bed. Gorgon’s growl stopped her and she hastily got back under the covers. “Fine. I’ll stay put.”

She was too shaken to try and do anything anyway.


Caroline handed the list to Jean-Paul with a frown. “When are you going to let her out Jean?”

Jean-Paul took the invitation list and looked it over. “When it’s time for the ceremony.”

“I think it’s better this way.” Philip said. “Better to keep her hidden. How many assassins have tried to get through the security in the past month alone?”

Jean-Paul nodded his head. “Yes. It’s better that she remains inside.”

“I hated this time when I met Philip.” Caroline muttered.

“What?” Philip asked.

Caroline turned on him. “Don’t you even remember? How lonely and afraid I was of everything? I mean you can’t keep her locked away. She’s wasting away from what I hear. That temper of hers seems to have vanished. Jean! You’re helping the Council kill her!”

Jean-Paul slammed his fist on the desk. “Silence!” Philip looked over, eyes wide. “How many times have you visited her Jean?”


Caroline hugged her waist. “Five times in the past month. She’s starved for company, and now none of the staff will talk to her, under his damn orders.”

Jean-Paul handed Caroline back the list. “It looks good Caroline.”

“Please Jean. Let me talk to her.”

Caroline leaned forward hands on his desk. “It’s only four days until the ceremony. Does she even know that? Does she have any idea of what she has to do?”

Jean-Paul finally looked at Caroline. She looked very worried. He hadn't visited Amy since last Monday. Perhaps he should pay another visit.

“I’ll see her.” Jean-Paul said.

“You’re company doesn’t seem to please her from what I’ve heard.” Philip said from his chair. “Why don’t you let Caroline talk to her?”

Jean-Paul looked to Philip then to Caroline. “Very well. But for a short time only.”


Amy heard the knock on her door and turned her head from the fire. She rested the book on her lap and called out. “Come in.”

The woman named Caroline came in, dressed in a pale peach gown looking beautiful. “Hello Amy. How are you?”

Amy stood up from the chair on week legs and smiled. “Wasting away. How about you?”

Caroline came closer. “Oh my God! You are wasting away. Aren’t you eating? Sit down! You look sick!”

Amy coughed. “I am.”

“Doesn’t anyone know?” Caroline asked.

Amy shook her head. “I’m hoping that this will kill me.”

Caroline saw the seriousness in her face. “You mean that don’t you?”

“Yes.” Amy said. “I won’t be his. I’d take death over eternity with that monster.”

A growl across the room brought attention to Gorgon. Amy smiled weakly. “Go back to sleep Gorgon.”

Caroline pushed her back into the chair and then slipped to the floor and looked up into Amy’s face.

“You’re as pale as a sheet. And you’re hands are like ice! Why haven’t the servants told anyone?”

Amy coughed again. “The servants were ordered not to talk and look at me. They completely ignore me, why would anyone notice. And Jean-Paul doesn’t care.”

“Like hell he doesn’t!” Caroline snapped.

Caroline stood up and took Amy's weak hand in hers, pulling her up from the chair. “Come on. You’re coming with me right now!”

Gorgon jumped off the bed.

Caroline looked at the wolf. “By God Gorgon, I am taking her to see Jean-Paul right now! Out of the way!”

The wolf actually stopped growling and moved out of the doorway.

“Slow down.” Amy said.

Caroline grabbed her arms and helped her walk down the hallway. “I can’t believe this! I’m just about reading to pound Jean-Paul into the floor!”

Dominique appeared in the hallway. He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak.

Caroline scowled. “Don’t even try it Dominique!”

Dominique moved out of the way.

Amy actually smiled. This Caroline certainly took things into hand when she wanted to.

Caroline finally reached where ever she wanted to go and threw the door open.

Jean-Paul sat at his desk. Philip stood beside him.

“Look at her Jean-Paul!” She shouted. “She’s too weak to even walk down the hall! How on earth will she even manage to walk with you during the Ceremony? This is what you’ve done to her!”

Amy managed at that moment to have another coughing fit. She leaned heavily against Caroline.

Amy finally raised her head to both vampires.

Jean-Paul looked shocked, as did Philip.

“Amy.” Jean-Paul whispered.

Amy keeled forward, passing out.