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Jean-Paul scanned the crowd from behind his demi mask.

Philip was close at his side also searching the crowd. So far neither had spotted Amy or Sernium.

“I know we’re waking into a trap mon ami.” Philip said over the music. “But what kind of trap begins with a masqued ball and has an enemy provide costumes for the party crashers?”

“A very bizarre trap.” Jean-Paul agreed.

He wore the outfit of a Devil. All in black with a cape, sword and demi mask. With his black hair it must have been a startling effect to look upon.

Philip had the costume of a pirate with eyepiece to match, black pants and one of those ridiculous frilly shirts. Philip had put up much complaint against wearing such a ‘feminine’ shirt. The gun pointed at him made him change his mind.

“They were expecting us. Now they expect us to play along with whatever they have planned.” Jean-Paul summed up. “Be prepared for surprises.”

Philip nodded his head and suddenly let out a quick breath. “God.”

Jean-Paul turned around. “What?”

Philip didn’t answer him.

Jean-Paul looked to where Philip’s gaze was focussed.

“Amy.” He whispered.

Amy was descending one of the large staircases, arm in arm with Sernium. They looked like some kind of bridal party. Her decked out in tiara and veil with the medieval gown, him in his golden white musketeer outfit. Jean-Paul frowned.

Philip gave a disgusted sound. “He has her dressed like Tiona.”

Jean-Paul cursed. Tiona had been Sernium’s Soul Mate. He had killed her after they had joined. Sernium had gone insane for a time afterwards and still no one knew why he had killed her.

“Tiona.” Jean-Paul muttered. “Is he trying to say that Amy will still die tonight?”

Philip shifted around the crowd. “I don’t care to stick around and find out. Let’s go.”

Sernium stopped on the staircase and with a hand motioned for silence.

The music stopped and the crowd turned to give him their full attention.

“My court. I want to present to you tonight a special treat!” Sernium’s voice echoed. “This beautiful young mortal before you is Mademoiselle Amy. Tonight, she represents our Bride.”

Sernium took Amy’s hand and held it to his lips kissing it.

Jean-Paul contained the violent urge to wretch her away from Sernium.

“As is with ever courtship, there is opposition. Tonight, you will watch a duel between two of the oldest foes.”

Sernium let go of Amy and moved downwards, leaving her on the steps. He moved through the crowd and it parted easily enough. Jean-Paul and Philip stood still as Sernium walked towards them.

“Tonight, Jean-Paul. Rogue Master, is among us, and is our challenger for our Bride’s...blood.”

Jean-Paul waited for Sernium to come within whispering distance.

Sernium lowered his voice. “Hello Brother.”

Jean-Paul dropped his head slightly in greeting. “Sernium.”

Sernium smiled. “Is this all the greeting I get after four hundred years? Especially since I am a blood relation.”

Jean-Paul glared at his brother. “Hand her over Sernium.”

Sernium pursed his lips together and shook his head. He again shouted out for the court to hear. “Clear a circle, our battle will begin.”

The vampires of the court quickly moved to the far sides of the ballroom.

Philip stayed by Jean-Paul’s side. “Jean-Paul?”

“Stay on the side, near Amy.”

Sernium waved his hand. “Oh I think not. Our Bride will remain in her throne of honor.”

Jean-Paul turned and saw Amy sitting in a tall high-backed chair on the edge of the circle. She stared straight ahead, avoiding his gaze.

Philip moved to the sideline.

Jean-Paul threw his demi mask off and pulled out his sword. “Let us dance then Sernium.”

Sernium threw his hat off behind him and pulled his sword out in a lightening quick move.

The two brothers faced off.


Amy held her breath as they circled each other. Her hands gripped the oak chair. Seeing a sword battle on TV or the big screen was nothing like seeing it in real life and it hadn’t even really begun. They circled each other, swords out, waiting for the first strike to come.

Her heart was pounding. She had to keep reminding herself to watch for Sernium's signal, to have the knife ready, to be prepared...God!

Sernium leaped forward in a move too quick to really see. Swords crashed against each other as the two vampires danced around the room. A quick slice through the air and Jean-Paul drew back with a hissing sound. On the side of his face, a line of blood trickled down.

Sernium smiled and motioned him forward again.

Amy watched just as enraptured as the rest of the court as the two paired off again. Sernium was hit and then Jean-Paul and then Sernium again. They were nearly if not equally matched.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the signal from Sernium. Jean-Paul’s back faced her and Sernium was driving him towards her.

Amy found the knife, pulled it loose and jumped up from her chair. She ran forward, her slipper feet making no noise on the floor.

“Jean-Paul!” Philip yelled. “Behind you!”

Amy was already there, when he turned, she pointed and the knife sunk into his chest.

Jean-Paul gasped. “Amy.”

Sernium stood behind Jean-Paul. “Betrayed as always brother.”

Jean-Paul reached out for her and propelled himself forward. Amy heard a click and felt a sudden point against her chest. What?

Jean-Paul landed himself against her and the other end of the knife. The one she hadn’t known about, the one that had popped out at the last minuet and sunk into her own chest.

She cried out.

Jean-Paul lifted his head. “Amy. You’ve killed us both.”

Sernium’s smirking face appeared above them. “Didn’t I mention that the knife had a hidden blade in the handle? Oh dear. If you had been paying attention Amy, you would have noticed and would have known to move away after you struck him. Oh well.”

In the distance, Philip was yelling and the sounds of fists being thrown were echoing in the silent hall.

The last thing she heard was Sernium’s words. “What an end to a lovely little interlude. Get rid of these bodies now.”


“Damn you.” Someone said.

Amy opened her eyes. She wasn’t dead?


Someone grabbed her arms and hauled her upright. “Of course. Who else?”

“How? I thought...”

“That you had killed me? That you had died? Not quite my little Soul Mate. I don’t think I’ll even waste the breath explaining to you how this even happened. Philip!”

Philip appeared. “What?”

“She’s awake now, we can keep moving.”

“Where are we?” Amy asked.

“Near the Genoa coastal waters. A boat is waiting for us.” Philip explained.

Jean-Paul reached over and pushed her into Philip’s arms. “You take her. I’m tired of carrying her heavy weight.”

Jean-Paul turned and marched off.

Amy looked around her, they were on a beach and it was cold from the night air. “Philip?”

“I’m just as annoyed with you as Jean-Paul is Amy. Don’t speak to me just yet.”

“I wanted to know if Caroline was alright.”

“She’s fine.” Philip handed her a tin of water. “Drink.”

Amy took a sip. “I don’t understand. Wasn’t I dead?”

Philip sighed and sounded annoyed. “Yes. You were.”

Amy handed him back the water. “What happened? Please tell me.”

Philip looked over his shoulder as if to make sure Jean-Paul wasn’t listening.

“Sernium killed his Soul Mate because he didn’t understand how to go about the process.”


Philip looked over at her with a frown. “So, he wouldn’t know that the process involves...dying.”


“The joining ceremony is only a showy part of everything, no one told you what the actually Joining would require. It is merely the joining of the blood of your heart and Jean-Paul’s.”

Amy’s eyes widened. Understanding dawning. “The knife, it joined my heart blood with Jean-Paul's?” Amy questioned.

“Yes. Then you died. When Sernium had your bodies dumped on the beach it was a lucky thing that Jean-Paul woke before the sun rose and made it to one of the underground shelters on the outskirts of the Palace. I was allowed to leave since they considered me no threat. ”

“What did you mean by Jean-Paul woke up in time?”

“Just as you did a few minuets ago, Jean-Paul was born again to life. A very different life Amy, do you not feel it?”

Amy frowned. “No.”

Suddenly something made her heart jump. Jean-Paul was coming towards them and Amy felt as if there were a cord connecting them. So this was what he had felt? It was such a strong feeling.

Jean-Paul moved over to her. “That’s enough chit chat Cherie. Time to return home.”

Amy nodded her head. “Yes.”

Jean-Paul laughed harshly. He smiled at Philip. “You see, it already starts. She is drawn to me…when I no longer want her.”

Each word was hurled at her with an effect of a stone hitting her in the chest.

“Get moving. The ship is here.”

Philip took her arm and moved her along side him. Jean-Paul walked quickly ahead of them.

Amy closed her eyes, a tear slipped down her cheek. Oh God. She couldn’t bare this. It was like he was the other half of her. She tried to think back to how she had hatted him, but her heart told her differently. Her heart pounded out that she loved him. She was bound to him.

Philip looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “It is far to late for tears Amy. Far too late for anything I fear. You have killed him in more ways then one.”


Jean-Paul sat across from Philip. The chess board between them.

“Well?” Philip asked.

Jean-Paul looked at the pieces. “I’m still thinking.”

“Not about that. About Amy.”

Jean-Paul didn’t even glance up. “What about her?”

“She’s joined to you for eternity Jean-Paul. Are you going to ignore her that long?”

Jean-Paul moved his bishop forward. “Perhaps.”

Philip clicked his tongue. “Bad move.”

“Which one?”

“Both. Check mate.” Philip leaned back in his chair. “You still feel the pull of her and it’s more intense then before.”

“I can ignore it.”

“Trust me you can’t. I know.”

Jean-Paul took a sip of wine. “How do you know?”

“I never spoke of this to you, but I put Caroline in a dungeon for three months after we were first Joined.”

“Dungeon? What ever for? Did she also stab you in the back and heart?”

“No. Even worse, she tried to run away with her ex-betrothed. I was so jealous I couldn’t stand it. I took her, Joined her to me and left her in the dungeon for three months.”

“The point is?” Jean-Paul asked.

“It ended up hurting me more then her.” “Really.” Jean-Paul rose from his chair. “This is a little different Philip. She betrayed me...damn it all! She tried to kill me!”

“You kidnapped her. Like any creature would, she defended herself.”

“That’s putting it lightly.”

“The longer you leave things Jean-Paul, the worse it will get for you.”

Jean-Paul shook his head. “Another round of Chess?”


Amy tried to hold down her dinner, but as soon as the waves began rolling again, up came the supper. For goodness sake, she’d been on a ship before! Why was she getting so seasick?

There came a knock on her door.

“Come in.” Amy said on a moan.

Jean-Paul entered. She hadn’t seen him since the start of the voyage four days ago. He wore simple pants now, no fancy tuxedo. A non-descript white shirt with a high-buttoned collar. Her heart clenched, why did he suddenly appear so handsome to her?

“I heard you were sick.”

Amy closed her eyes and swallowed. “What do you care?”

“You’re right I don’t care. But this is my cabin and I don’t want it reeking of vomit for the rest of the voyage.”

Amy opened her eyes when she felt the warm cloth against her hands. “Use this. I’ll send one of the crew in to remove your mess.”

“Jean-Paul?” Amy got to her feet just as the boat lurched in another wave. She fell forward landing right into Jean-Paul’s back.

Jean-Paul turned around and threw her away from him quicker then a snake.

Amy fell against the floor smashing onto her bottom. She cried out.

Jean-Paul’s eyes were sparking with that same blue fire again. “Never touch me again Amy!”

Jean-Paul turned from the room.

Amy soothed her sore bottom as tears sprung in her eyes. She couldn’t take much more of this. How long we’re they going to be on this voyage for?

The door opened again and one of the crew came in. He ignored her and instead took her vomit bucket away closing the door behind him.

Amy stood up brushing the tears from her face. “Fine.”

She looked down at her torn and stained bridal gown, ruined beyond repair. Were there other clothes for her to wear?

She opened the cabins' cupboards and sifted through the clothes. Most were Jean-Paul's but she did find a simple brown dress. Amy pulled it out. Was it a gown or a servants costume? She couldn’t tell. Not really caring as long as it was something clean, she walked over and threw the latch on the door and quickly changed into the simple garment. It felt more like a servant’s dress then a gown.

The door handle was tried and someone knocked on the door.

Amy opened it and took the clean bucket from the crewman.

“Thank you.”

The crewman muttered some sort of response and then disappeared.

Amy stood in the middle of the cabin. “Fine. I can deal with this. If Jean-Paul doesn’t want me, I certainly won’t want him.”


Philip handed him another letter. “So. How is she doing?”

“How should I know, I haven’t visited her in three nights.”

“Does she even know that we’re arriving soon?”

“Probably not. Not that she would care.”

Philip sat down in a chair opposite Jean-Paul. “And so, what will you do when you reach the castle? Lock her in the dungeon?”

“No. I’ll lock her in her rooms.”

“And she’ll waste away again.”

“Impossible. She’s immortal now.”

“Does she know that?”

“I don’t give a damn!” Jean-Paul snapped. “And I’m tired of you poking your nose into my affairs Philip. It’s over between us. I have no need or care for the girl anymore.”

“So. Now that you’ve Joined, you won’t waste any time with her?”


One of the crew knocked and walked in. “We’ve landed Master. The carriage is waiting outside on the dock.”

“Good. I will be there shortly. What about Sernium, Philip?”

“From all accounts, no one knows that you and Amy were reborn. Of course, this won’t remain so. As soon as you return home the rumors will start and spread. Sernium will learn the truth and his actions remain to be seen.”

“Yes. Well, there is nothing he can do now. The Joining is completed.”

“So it is back to life as before for you.”

Jean-Paul stood up. He buttoned his gray suit jacket. “Yes. It is.”

Philip raised his hands. “Fair enough. Just don’t come running to me when it hits you.”

Philip moved to the door and held it open for Jean-Paul.

Jean-Paul walked past him. “When what hits me?”


Jean-Paul walked quickly away from Philip. “You can walk back to the Palace for all I care.”