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Jean-Paul balanced the glass ball on the back of his hand, watching the fire reflect in it.


The ball would have fallen to the ground if it hadn’t been for his quick reflexes.

“Yes Caroline. To what do I owe this pleasure.” His voice dripped with sarcasm.

Caroline stormed around to face him, hands on hips. Her yellow and white gown nearly met his black booted feet.

“Do you know where Amy is?” She snapped.

Jean-Paul looked over at Philip, still dozing in his chair. “Philip?”

Philip opened one eye.

“Do you know where Amy is?”

“Working at that Bar in the village.” Philip answered simply.

Jean-Paul looked back at Caroline. “There’s your answer.”

Caroline snapped her brows together. “And did you know that she is being ogled at and poked at like a common...a common...” Caroline fumbled over the world.

“Fancy piece.” Philip provided.

“Yes!” Caroline snapped.

Jean-Paul smiled. “I’m aware.”

Caroline looked ready to explode. “How dare you allow this to continue!”

Philip was suddenly standing beside Caroline, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Now dear, just because your little plan didn’t work doesn’t mean you have to take it out on Jean-Paul.”

Caroline hiked her skirt up and prepared to kick Jean-Paul. “Like hell I can’t!”

Philip picked her up and moved her backwards, imprisoning her within his arms. “Now then. That’s enough.”

Jean-Paul laughed.

Caroline struggled. “What if some drunk man tries to have his way with her? Did you ever consider that? That bar has a reputation!”

Jean-Paul frowned. “The Hazleton Bar has a very good reputation.”

Caroline froze.

“Amy,” she said slowly. “Is working at the Devil's Hand. The Local Inn’s Bar.”

Philip gave a little laugh. “Oh dear.”

Jean-Paul leapt up. “What!? That place is a bar and a brothel! How dare she work in such a God she better just be working as a maid.”

Caroline smirked. “What if she’s NOT?!”

Jean-Paul swore and stormed out of the room.


Amy handed the captain his fifth beer and tried very hard to actually smile.

The captain slapped her bottom as she turned and Amy had to force herself not to whip around and smash her trey on his head.

Working as a barmaid wasn’t exactly what she had thought it would be. She knew that it would involve a degree of up front confrontations, but not to this extreme. And then there were the other maids, who actually didn’t serve anyone. They just sat around with the customers all night, sometimes disappearing for hours at a time.

Amy went back to the bar and took the next order.

“Beer for the gentlemen in the corner.” The bar tender told her. “Be quick about it.”

Amy turned and made her way through the crowd to the far table in the dim lighting. On the way she received a number of comments and pinches. All in a night work.

She set the beer down with a smile, not bothering to look at the man’s face.

“Not enjoying the atmosphere here Amy?”

Amy’s head snapped up with a jolt of fear. “Jean-Paul!”

Jean-Paul leaned further back in his chair. “Why don’t you join me for a little while?”

Before Amy could say anything, the bar tender appeared behind her. “Amy, you can take your break now.”

Jean-Paul smiled up at her.

Amy frowned and sat down across from him. She felt the cord tightening in her chest. The same power that drew her to him was intensifying again. It had begun to fade and not hurt as much. Now that he was back in her face, the pain was as acute as always.

“I never picture my Soul Mate trying to make a living on her own. Especially in such an establishment.” Jean-Claude said.

Amy told herself she no longer cared about him. He made it clear enough that he didn’t want anything to do with her. Why was he here then?

“You’ve had your fun Jean-Paul. So I’m working in this awful place, so what? It’s better then being your prisoner. So go right ahead, celebrate my misery. I’m sure that’s what you came here for.”

Jean-Paul watched her intently. Amy fidgeted and swept her hair away from her forehead in annoyance.

“Actually.” Jean-Paul drawled. “I came to bring you back.”

Amy snapped her attention back to him. “What?”

Jean-Paul motioned around them. “You don’t really want to stay in this place Amy. Come back with me.”

Amy opened her mouth to argue.

“I’m asking you. Not telling you.”

Amy closed her mouth. What was he up to? What had made him change, he did seem different.

“Alright?” Amy said. “Did Caroline put you up to this?”

Jean-Paul shook his head. He stood up, not having touched his beer and threw some coins and bills on the table. He nodded to someone over her shoulder.

Amy turned and saw the bartender nod his head with a grin.

Jean-Paul took her arm and began moving through the bar to the exit.

“Hey!” Amy said. “What are you doing?”

“I just bought you Cherie. You haven’t been working in a bar, this is a brothel.”

“A bro...” Amy looked behind her to see the crowd of men watching Jean-Paul pull her out of the bar. “Oh my.”

Jean-Paul hauled her up into his black carriage and settled her across from him.

Amy pressed a hand to her burning cheeks. “I didn’t even realize.”

Jean-Paul laughed in the darkness of the carriage. “No I suppose you didn’t.”

The carriage lurched forward and Amy gave a little cry. “Wait! All my things are in my room...”

“No they aren’t. They’re all back in your room in the Palace.”

Amy looked at him sharply. “Where’s the real Jean-Paul?”

“Would you prefer if I were still angry with you Amy?”

Amy bit her lip. “I don’t know.”

Jean-Paul suddenly reached forward and grabbed her, yanking her onto his lap.

Amy yelped.

Jean-Paul held her tight and said something completely unpredictable. “Say you love me Amy. Say you’ll never leave me again.”

“I can’t…you told me, not to love you.” Amy said trying to push away.

Jean-Paul sighed. “Can you not see that I had a right to be angry?”

“Well...yes, but...”

Any further words were cut off as Jean-Paul brought his mouth crushing down on hers. Blocking any further words from her mouth.

Amy felt a tingle go through her entire body like an electric shock.

When Jean-Paul pulled back, his eyes sparkled in the darkness.

Amy looked at him. “Wow.”

“This is what you fought against Amy. And this is what I fought against. Simple passion that neither of us can fight.”

Amy twisted on his lap and tried to move away. “Yes! I can.”

Jean-Paul kissed her neck, nipping her ear. “Now who’s lying?”

“Stop this Jean-Paul. It’s confusing and I don’t want anymore tricks, lies or anger between us.”

“Very well.”

Amy waited for the crushing set down.

“I won’t trick you, unless you want it. I won’t lie to you, unless you want me to. And I won’t anger you if I can help it.”

Amy crooked her head to one said. “I don’t understand? Are you saying…you want me?”

Jean-Paul kissed her lips, a light feathery touch that still shot electric warmth into her body. “Of course I want you…I paid for you didn’t I?”

Amy punched Jean-Paul in the shoulder. “Be serious.” “I still want you Amy.”

Amy smiled. It wasn’t, ‘I love you Amy’, but it would probably be the best she could hope for.

“I do too.” Amy said.


Madame Clare put the key in the Master’s bedroom and quietly entered the room. She nearly fell over a ladies boot and her tray would have gone crashing to the floor if she hadn’t stopped herself.

Madame Clare looked from the boot to the shirt, to the hat and to the skirt. What on earth! She peered into the darkness of the room and made out a sight she couldn’t believe. The master lay in the bed, his arms wrapped around the Madame Amy. Mon Dieu!

Jean-Paul heard Madame Clare quietly retreat from the door and shut it as quietly as possible.

“Amy?” He whispered.

“Yes?” Came the sleepy response.

“The whole Palace will find out in two seconds that you are back. I think it might be advisable if we got dressed before Caroline and Philip come bursting into the room.”

Amy sat up straight. “Oh!”

She clutched the sheet to her chest. “My clothes are next door!”

“I’ll get them.” Jean-Paul jumped out of the bed and quickly pulled on last nights discarded pants.

He returned with a beautiful pale blue gown and helped her into it. Although, kissing her while trying to help her dress wasn’t the most productive way of going about it.

Just as he had predicted the door crashed open and Caroline and Philip came running in.

Caroline looked ready to faint. “Oh my God!”

Philip smiled. “Perhaps we should give you two some more time.”

Caroline ignored her Soul Mate and threw herself forward, hugging Amy. “I am SO glade he got you out of that place…imagine what could have happened...I was so...”

Philip once again cupped a hand over her mouth. “We’ll join you for breakfast downstairs.”

Caroline complained as Philip dragged her out of the room.

Amy laughed. “I really love Caroline.”

A soft breath ran by her ear. “I love you.”

Amy turned and smiled. “You already said that last night…a number of times.”

Jean-Paul smiled and kissed her. “I intend to keep saying it.”


“As long as you don’t trick me, lie to me or anger me.”

Amy lightly hit him. “Hey those are my demands. Not yours.”

“So sorry.”

Amy laughed against his mouth. “You sound so sincere.”

“I am.” Jean-Paul said with a grin.

Caroline appeared in the doorway. “I want to talk to Amy.”

Philip’s arm tried to pull her out of the doorway.

Amy smiled. “I’m coming.”

Caroline nodded her head and let Philip drag her down the hall.

Jean-Paul walked with Amy towards the breakfast room. “There is just one thing I would…request from you Amy.”


“Say you love me.”

Amy shrugged her shoulders, skipping a little further ahead of Jean-Paul. “Didn’t I say it last night?”

Jean-Paul caught her arm and turned her around looking down at her teasing face. “No you didn’t.”

“I want you.” Amy said with a smile.

“Not good enough.”

“I need you.” Amy said with dimples forming in her cheeks.

“Close, but not close enough.”

“I love you.” Amy said with a grin.

“Ah. Just right!”

Jean-Claude kissed her.

The End.

Copyright(c) Charmeye Thyme, 2000.