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India as a 'global guide' !

History of the human civilisation is like that of an individual. If we were to forget all the lessons taught to us in our kinder gartens and primary schools, we would be unable to read or write. Our foundation has to always be kept intact for us to be able to build a bright future on it.

India is undoubtedly the oldest living civilisation of the world today. The Vedas that form the core of its literature are the oldest written text in the library of man. Thus through India and her ancient culture mankind could retain its touch with the experiences and teachings of early civilisation that form the foundation of human growth and progress.

The potential of India to play the role of a 'Global guide' have been acknowledged by scholars in the east and west too. Quoting some of their words would throw some light on this subject.

Dr. Arnold Toynbee British Historian (1889-1975) had to say the following : "It is already becoming clearer that a chapter which has a western beginning will have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in the self-destruction of the human race... At this supremely dangerous moment in history the only way of salvation for mankind is the Indian Way. "

The Mother of pondicherry too had said something similarly : "India must be saved for the good of the world, since India alone can lead the world to peace and a new world order."

The best example to understand the quote of Dr. Arnold toynbee would be the environmental degradation happening in the world today. It started as a chapter having a 'western beggining' and now only some guidance from the ancient Indian literature could give it a peaceful and happy 'Indian ending'.

The rustless ashoka iron pillar and many of the books written by our Rishis and Acharyas on subjects of science that include medicine, aviation, space technology, architecture are a proof that ancient India was a scientificaly advanced civilisation. But the difference betwen the Vedic sciences and the western have been in their foundations. Vedic science unlike the western were developed by the Rishis and Acharyas to whom the laws of nature were well known. Thus the progress of our sciences did not result in damaging the nature or environment.

Alan Watts (1915-1973) a professor, graduate school dean and research fellow of Harvard University ackowledges this fact in the following words : "It is, indeed, a remarkable circumstance that when Western civilization discovers Relativity it applies it to the manufacture of atom-bombs, whereas Indian civilization applies it to the development of new states of consciousness."

Thus it is clear that India through her wisdom of her ancient philosophy and sciences, could show the world a way out of the miseries that have engulfed mankind of today. And it is an India which is proud of her Hindu past alone that could emerge as a 'Global guide'.