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Can you give one good reason why India cannot be the richest country ; apart from the reason that the ATTITUDE of Indians result in corrupt and self seeking politicians getting elected to rule us? All the evils that we see in India today like corruption, leadership without vision, unstable governments, public sector inefficiency, religious tensions are all originating from these elected leaders directly or indirectly. India can definitely be the richest country of the world one day. Our country has all the human and material resources that are required to become the number one country.

The natural ingredients necessary to become the richest country are:

1. Adequate geographical size,
2. Adequate population, having a good level of natural intelligence,
3. Reasonable level of natural resources,
4. Will of the population to be superior ( you must be ambitious; you must have desires).

India is pretty strong on the first three requirements and that is why India can be the number one country. India has an immense resource of experienced, high calibre professionals in all spheres of knowledge and technology. There is no goal that these professionals cannot achieve, if the right conditions are provided, because they are as good as anyone else in the developed countries. The achievements of India and Indians worldwide in areas of space technology, nuclear technology, agricultural research, and software development gives a glimpse of what this sleeping tiger is capable of.
Considering these strengths, India has all the potential to achieve a growth rate of 13% which would take our current per capita income of $1600 to $34,000 by the year 2025, which would be equal to the UK per capita income in 2025, assuming that the current UK per capita income of $22,000 grows at 2%. This 2% growth rate is considered to be a realistic growth rate for a developed country like UK.
There are historical reasons as well to believe that India could be the richest country in future. Historically empires rise and fall.The British Empire where the sun never set does not exist any more. The mighty U.S.S.R has disappeared. There is no historical reason to believe that the richest and the strongest Nations of today will remain like that forever. India is all poised to take one of those positions.
What India or Indians lack is the ambition to be rich as individuals and as a nation. The majority of the people have no desire or ambition to get rich. Most people including the poor are satisfied with the quality of life they have. One reason is that they are unaware of the quality of life of people in developed countries. Another reason is the belief that India is destined to remain poor because of the lack of awareness about the potential of the country to become rich within a short period. The evils in the society especially corruption and the self seeking nature of political leaders and parties strengthens the belief that there is no escape from this quagmire.
These negative attitudes and traits in the thinking of the people is something that can be changed by us Indians ourselves. Once that attitude changes able and honest political leadership having long term vision for the country that is free from self seeking elements will evolve, which will take the country to the peaks of richness.
In summary, by 2025 India could be among the richest countries of the world, no matter which countries would be occupying the top slots in 2025. The huge Indian population is also taken into account while making this statement.


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